Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Myths About Male Virility

Male Virility is the topic that has been discussed a lot in the past and is still raising the eyebrows of many people. Male fertility is the problem that many nations are facing and are trying out many ways to cope with it. The first thing we need to do is not believe on the myths and to clarify all the things related to the sex-related problems by visiting the doctor. Through this article I have put a light on the myths about Male virility. Please don't believe these myths because that may affect your sex life adversely.

Male virility is always been a topic of important discussion after the large number of impotent men noted in United States. In 2007, 2 million men were noted to be having the fertility problems and were not able to make their women partners pregnant. Problems like erectile dysfunction, scarcity of the mature sperms, premature ejaculation, and lack of testosterone are found to contribute considerably in creating the problems in male virility. But, due to the inadequate knowledge about the subject many myths are spread about the male virility problems. Some myths are totally wrong and may even harm your health adversely. So, here are few myths that you should never believe on.

Myth 1: Male Virility Depends on Penis Size

The first and foremost that everyone believes is that penis size plays a great role in the male sexuality. This myth is very common concern for men. The main reason for this myth is the comparison done by the men along with penis that they see in either locker rooms or porn films.  The size of the penis is always thought to be the best tool to impress and satisfy his women partner. But, men need to come out of this thought and face the practicality.

The fact is that penis size varies from man to man. Like everybody comes in different shapes and sizes, even the penis comes in different shapes and sizes. So, please accept what you have because even the 2 inches of penis is enough to satisfy women if you have enough skill. So, please don’t believe in the myth that male virility depends on penis size as you may find many men with larger penis to be impotent.

Myth 2: Increasing sex frequency will make you potent

Yes, it is a myth the increase in the sex will make you potent. Many individuals think that it is due to the scarcity of the sex that they are facing the problems in their sex life. Yes practice of sex will help you to learn better control and may help you to cure erection problems up to some extent, but it will not at all help you in becoming potent. According to the latest study there is no relation between the frequency of the sex and pregnancy rates between the couples. Even the one satisfactory sexual act is enough to make women pregnant, but if you are having the problems with the sperm count then it will be very difficult to continue your progeny.

Myth 3: Erection is mandatory to have sex

As everybody knows erection is mandatory to have satisfactory sex, but it absolutely a myth created by the Viagra advertisement. According to the latest survey erection is only necessary to have the penetrative sex. To give pleasure to the women even you tongue can do the wonders during the oral sex. Please note that even old men can enjoy the sex, despite of the soft erections, so why not young men. It is very essential to know that you may not be able to hold the erection for long time always, but you can still enjoy the sex. Men can’t hold the erection once they finish the orgasm so, it is very necessary to keep the orgasm as a last part of the sexual activity.

Myth 4: Male virility can’t be regained

Male virility can’t be regained is the myth and no one should believe in it. Many doctors would ask you go for the sperm donation or test tube method to have a child, but guys this things are merely to get the business. Male virility is perfectly gained again, suppose if you face from the problem of impotence because of the erectile dysfunction then there are many medications that may help to solve this problem. Premature ejaculation can also be treated if you learn proper control. The scarcity of the sperms could also be treated by certain medications that improve the sperm count. Even the yoga and regular workout routine are found to be great help in getting back the male fertility. It has been found during the study that many impotent men were able to cure it because of the advanced scientific techniques and medications.

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