Wednesday, May 19, 2021

How Lifestyle Changes Help in Combating the Challenging Condition of Diabetes

I have inherited diabetes from my father and feel pathetic when I get deprived of my favorite dessert. My sweet tooth has always been a real concern for me as resisting sweets were never my cup of tea. To add to my woe, avoiding my favorite sweet food item is the only alternative left with me most of the times.

After a considerable amount of research, the only conclusion I have landed with is that living with diabetes is not that bad either. Minor changes in a lifestyle can be of a great help for the diabetes patients on their way to survival. They have complete right to enjoy their favorite dessert occasionally and still, remain healthy.

Here are a few lifestyle choices that are crucial in managing "Type 2" Diabetes.

Shed extra pounds from your body - If you are overweight, you are at a higher risk of getting exposed to heart disease and diabetes. Though, every diabetic person is not obese, but all of them who are obese need to give a serious thought to weight loss alternatives. It is advisable for them to be a part of a diabetes-friendly weight loss program followed by an optimum diet, and you will notice a quick improvement in your sugar level.

Early to bed and early to rise - The old nursery rhyme delivers an excellent message to the people of the modern world. Recent surveys have proven that night owls are at a higher risk of acquiring the disease because, in spite of retiring to bed late at night, they are deemed to get up early in the morning and deprived of 8 hours of sleep in a day. The practice badly affects the metabolism of a person and make them prone to several health issues. Getting up early in the morning is important to enjoy the bliss of nature and to retire to bed at the right time is as critical to manage the adverse effects of the disease. The practice allows a person to do every task in time and take plenty of rest along with getting engaged in a good deal of physical activities on the entire day.

Drinking plenty of water - Drinking 8-10 glasses of water in a day are a healthy alternative for diabetic patients for reducing the impact of sugar on their diet.

Speak to a nutritionist - See a nutritionist in your area and seek for a diet plan for diabetes patients. Follow the diet chart provided by them for getting accustomed to the diabetes diet.

Keep a track of your daily food consumption - Daily, make a list of food items you consumed at the end of the day. Check out for the calorie count and try to compensate the consumption of extra calories and sweet food through exercising, walking and accelerated physical activity. You can also cut on calories and sugar stuff for a next couple of days for balancing the sugar hormones in the body.

Following a healthy lifestyle is imperative to your challenging journey of combating this longstanding disease

There is a variety of diabetes treatment options, and a few lifestyle choices can help you stay healthy and live longer.

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