Wednesday, May 19, 2021


Psoriasis is not  really an infectious disease reason because It is caused mainly because of an individual s genetic structure. A most important reason why Psoriasis occurs in individuals is a trigger factor.


Psoriasis is not  really an infectious disease reason because It is caused mainly because of an individual s genetic structure. A most important reason why Psoriasis occurs in individuals is a trigger factor.


If a person is stressed then also  it can trigger Psoriasis. Flare-ups are common and can be  further accompanied by itching sensation as well. Once Psoriasis occurs the person can feel so  excessively self-conscious and embarrassed, leading to more stress. If the condition is basically  present on the feet and hands, it can disable a person from performing all  daily chores. The treatment of Psoriasis so can be time-consuming and expensive thereby leading to even more stress in the patient so . Some of the methods in which patients can alleviate stress include participation in support groups with  attending counseling sessions and meditation and relaxation therapies. Regular exercise can also hold back stress largely.

Weather and climate

The combination of excessive cold outside and then  the presence of indoor heating agents inside can trigger Psoriasis in body . Both conditions in combination dry out the skin and can further  make existing Psoriasis conditions worse. Winter holidays can also involve more work around the house, which maybe curtailed because of Psoriasis. Illness during winter can weaken the immunity of a person, making them more prone to Psoriasis. Being in the sun can severely help improve the condition. However, usage of the air conditioner must be avoided as it dries the skin. Using moisturizers on a regular basis also helps to curb Psoriasis.

Injuries on the skin

Skin injuries because of acupuncture some  certain vaccinations, bruises, bites, chafing of skin, burns, scraping of skin, irritation from chemicals, shaving, excessive pressure over skin, tattoos, using adhesive tapes over the skin, cuts, sunburns, skin peeling treatments, scratching and rubbing of skin can all  though trigger Psoriasis. This condition is referred to as Koebner effect. As many as half of the total percentage of Psoriasis patients are so affected by this condition. Various skin inflictions like Herpes blisters, boils, vitiligo, dermatitis

, Lichen planus, scabies etc. can result in flare-ups.


Various infections can also be a trigger factor for development of Psoriasis. Infections include step throat, which triggers Guttate type of Psoriasis and  Then, infections in the upper respiratory tract, HIV, skin boils etc. can also trigger Psoriasis. An infection of thrush can make a person susceptible to Inverse kind of Psoriasis.

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