Friday, February 25, 2022

Liver Detox – Secrets Revealed

Most of us may think of liver as main course meal served with onions, but the human liver is one of the most vital organs, besides being the largest glandular organ and you don’t want to damage it. 

Most of us may think of liver as main course meal served with onions, but the

human liver is one of the most vital organs, besides being the largest

glandular organ and you don’t want to damage it. A proper functioning liver

provides us with good health. The liver produces substances that break down fat

and most importantly serves as a filter for harmful substances that may enter

the blood stream.

If this liver destocks process is interrupted, because the liver has so many

other substances to deal with, the intermediate toxic compounds can circulate

in the blood causing all kinds of damage.

A healthy liver will assure you of the proper elimination of certain toxins

that maybe stored in the liver. There are many reasons to perform a liver

detox, some being a better working digestion system, more energy (can’t we all

use that!), enhance memory, create healthy, glowing skin, improve cell

regeneration and reduce food sensitive.

A couple of the main reason for liver dysfunction and overload is a poor diet

full of processed foods, also a low-carbohydrate diets encourage the eating of

excess meat and discourage the eating of fiber-rich foods, and excessive

alcohol intake. You can stop the damage before it gets out of control, please

note that before you start any new diet or detoxification routine, it is wise

to seek advice from a medical professional. Here are some simple lifestyle and

dietary changes to try.

Drinking herbal teas such as chamomile, dandelion is also a helpful benefit: as

is a daily shot of a wheat grass drink. Drink plenty of water daily to help

eliminate impurities, and is a very effective liver cleanse process. You want

to aim for 8 glasses of filtered water per day. One of the natural liver

detoxifier methods involves the use of beets. It only requires you to chop the

beets and mix it with flax oil and lemon juice to taste.

About 40 to 60 percent of your diet should be raw fruits and vegetables. Eat

avocados, bananas, mangos, papayas, pineapples and sprouts. They contain

helpful enzymes. Eat foods that contain antioxidants to fight off free radicals

that kill cells. Antioxidant rich foods are, dandelion greens, kelp, garlic,

shitake mushrooms, citrus fruits, apples, kiwis, pears, carrots and celery,

don’t forget broccoli.

Eating organic foods is also important. Many foods contain pesticides and


Limited dairy, avoid alcohol, caffeine, red meat and saturated fats.

Weight gain, poor metabolism, bloating, food intolerance, depression

or mood swings, poor memory, extreme fatigue and bad breath are sign of a poor

functioning liver – for these reasons alone, a liver detox is recommended for


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