At first, acne was known as an adolescent problem. This image has little by little changed as today's lifestyle got a different color.
Chest acne is a condition that can really knock the self-esteem, and can dictate where you go, what you do, and what you wear, as well as how you feel. However the issue is relatively less discussed since the main focus of acne victims often center on one location that is the face. The first and foremost risk factor associated with the formation of acne on chest and other body parts is tight clothing. Tight clothing generates discomfort by trapping the perspiration within the body surface. This perspiration is an irritant for the skin surface especially for preexisting acne lesions which aggravate due to the presence of perspiration. Besides, tight apparels rub against the skin surface which also becomes another source of skin irritation. It also depends highly on the type of fabric used in garments. Chest acne is also caused by frequent carrying of heavy backpacks. The straps that exert friction against the skin in the same way as coarse and tight apparels might be harmful for existing acne condition.The common cause of acne formation is a surplus amount of body oil discharge. Body oil or sebum is discharged by the oil or sebaceous glands embedded within our skin surface. These glands are connected with the hair follicles. Whenever there is an excess secretion of body oil, along with a flawed exfoliation process, the dead skin cells get stuck into the sebum inside the follicles and clog the pores. Bacterial buildup within the skin pores aggravates the entire situation by adding inflammation into the affected region. Just like face ache, chest acne might also form in this way. In many instances it is found that hormonal imbalance is a major cause behind the discharge of surplus amount of body oil. Male hormone androgen, which works within male and female body, is responsible for the amount of sebum discharged by the oil glands. Therefore whenever there is a rise in the level of this hormone in the blood, acne is almost inevitable.Chest Acne TreatmentWhatever the cause of this condition, most people will do anything to find an effective chest acne treatment, which can give them back control of their lives. However, as you may already know, finding a good chest acne treatment is not as easy as it looks. You will find a wide range of over the counter chest acne treatments, but you may already have tried many of these and found them to be a waste of time on your acne. Topical treatment of acne on chest is not as cumbersome as that of back acne since it is not really that hard to reach all the areas of chest. An effective topical treatment for acne on all parts of the body is the use of salicylic acid as an effective exfoliator of the dead skin cells. Salicylic acid is available in the form of over-the-counter products at any of your nearby local medicine shop. For severe cases, it is certainly not a wise decision to ignore the situation or try OTC products at random. Skin experts often suggest oral antibiotics or Accutane in order to attain faster and more effective cure for chest acne. Treating acne scarring requires a series of treatments before visible results are seen. Unfortunately, this treatment isn't very effective in treating deep scarring caused by severe or prolonged acne.Because of this, it is recommended it be done by a doctor or qualified therapist who knows how to do this procedure without causing more damage to your skin.Another efficient control method against acne on the chest, neck and collar areas is a lotion called ClearPores which you can use as a shower gel. If you use it constantly, every morning and every night, the ClearPores body wash will diminish and prevent the breakout of body acne. You should know that there are three steps in using ClearPores , first is the body wash gel, the second step is the ClearPores lotion applied on your chest after every shower, and the third step refers to ClearPores Pills which can be ingested for internal control of blemishes.
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