Wednesday, November 10, 2021

How to Lower Your Blood Pressure?

It’s called the “silent killer” and occurs in one out of every three adults. It has no symptoms, yet it can cause heart attack or stroke. .Blood pressure is a ratio of systolic pressure over diastolic pressure. The systolic number measures the pressure during contraction of the auricles whereas the diastolic pressure measures the pressure at the time of relaxation of the auricles.

Blood pressure is never consistent. It changes due to physical activity, food habits, stress or emotional excitement. It can change often during the day. So it is better to keep it checked and know what lifestyle can keep you away from this ‘killer disease’.

Normal blood pressure is 115/75 mm Hg. One has to make all the diet changes that are necessary. Natural Supplements like fish oil and garlic can be used. They are very useful at reducing mostly systolic pressure. Dandelion leaf extract is a strong amalgam of vitamins that have a diuretic effect .This lowers b by removing liquids and salts from the system .Lycopene is a good antioxidant. It is used to lower LDL cholesterol .Stevia extract helps in reducing any calcium buildup on the blood vessel walls, keeping them flexible, and healthy. Olive leaf extract is an efficient antioxidant, it relaxes the blood vessels and prevents upsurge of plaque in them, which in turn lowers blood pressure. Hawthorn extract is an ancient herb. It improves blood vessel flexibility and has special effects on arteries surrounding the heart. It improves blood flow and the heart muscle’s contractions.

Moreover, keep exercising to stay fit. Flexibility and strengthening exercises for example, lifting weights but aerobic activity is necessary to control high blood pressure. Any physical action that increases your breathing and heart rates is taken as aerobic. Aerobic exercises include climbing stairs, walking, jogging, bicycling and swimming. Yoga can be a good method to reduce blood pressure. Patanjali has defined Yoga as 'Steady and comfortable state of Body and Mind’. During any exercise, the nervous tension on muscles increases and the requirement for blood and oxygen increases but in Yogasanas, this requirement goes down as there are no strains and every muscle is relaxed. This helps to reduces stress on mind and body.

Take advantage of these easy to avail resources and take responsibility of your own health to stay healthy and robust. Keep tracing your blood pressure to know your improvements.

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