Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Hair Loss Treatments in Dubai

Any man or woman who experiences hair loss knows how much toll it can take on one’s physical as well as psychological well-being. The sufferers try everything possible – from rubbing juice...

Any man or woman who experiences hair loss knows how much toll it can take on one’s physical as well as psychological well-being. The sufferers try everything possible – from rubbing juices of fruits and vegetables on scalp to using different oils – to regrow lost hair, yet gain nothing. If you are also one of them and are looking for effective hair loss treatments in Dubai, you have landed in the right place.

Here we will discuss some very effective hair loss treatments. Read on to know your options.


In some cases, hair loss can be slowed or even hair regrowth can be stimulated with topical and oral medicines. Two FDA approved medications commonly used for hair loss cure are Finasteride and Minoxidil.

Finasteride – it is a prescribed oral drug that is available in the form of pill. It is the most effective prescription treatment for hair thinning.

Minoxidil – it is a topical medication available in a liquid form that is applied on the thinning areas of the scalp. This over the counter application is a hair growth stimulant which should be used twice a day for best results.

PRP + ACell hair loss therapy

In PRP hair loss therapy, growth factors derived from patient’s own blood are used to stimulate hair growth. The procedure starts with getting blood sample from patient’s body. The sample is then centrifuged to separate Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) from blood cells. Topical anesthetic is applied to the scalp to numb it before injecting the PRP in it with micro needles. Sometimes, extracellular matrix biomaterial, ACell is combined to enhance hair tissue regeneration. ACell + PRP hair loss therapy is a lunch time procedure requiring no downtime.

Stem Cell FUE hair restoration

The use of stem cell therapy for hair restoration has expanded significantly over the last few years in treating various medical diseases. In case of Stem Cell FUE Hair Transplant, rather than using entire hair follicle a small part of the follicle (stem cell) is extracted and transplanted in the bald areas. The procedure is very much similar to the traditional FUE hair transplant. However, the difference lies in the punch tool used for graft extraction. Typical FUE uses a manual punch while Stem Cell FUE uses motorized punch tool.

If you are interested in getting any of the aforementioned treatments for hair loss in Dubai contact Dubai Hair Club now. The clinic also offers free scalp assessment.

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