Monday, August 23, 2021

The application of natural astaxanthin

At present, there are nutritious health food and medicines using astaxanthin as raw material in the international market.

Its product positions in strengthening the immune system, anti cancer, protecting the retina from ultraviolet radiation and photo-oxidation, anti-inflammatory and prevention of blood LDL-cholesterol oxidative damage.

The aquaculture industry has always been the largest market for astaxanthin. Plant breeding in the commercialization of fish and crustaceans (such as salmon, shrimp, crab, rainbow trout, etc.), usually in the feed to add astaxanthin to supplement the pigment, it can greatly enhance the market value of the product. Astaxanthin not only as a coloring agent of the aquaculture animals, the growing body of evidence confirmed that astaxanthin is the essential vitamins aquatic animals, their normal growth and health of farming, has extremely important to improve survival and reproduction rates role. Astaxanthin can increase atlantic salmon in some organizations, vitamins A, C, and E content; can stimulate the immune system of rainbow trout. Astaxanthin is also crucial to the development of shrimp eggs and larvae, astaxanthin in feed, can improve the survival rate of juveniles and the red sea carp egg buoyancy and survival, and strengthen the structure of the liver cells of red tilapia and glycogen glutathione storage, and salmon breeding period can increase the fertilization rate, egg survival and growth rate.

The global aquaculture industry increases in the proportion of 24% per year. It is currently $ 35 billion annually and will reach $ 49 billion in 2010. Natural astaxanthin market is mainly affected by the global production capacity constraints, the international market price is above $ 3,000 per kilogram, is currently only feed a salmon market capacity over 185 million dollars, and to increase the rate of 8% per annum. It shows great market potential.

Natural astaxanthin is a feed additive for treating egg poultry and livestock. The market capacity is 125 million U.S. dollars and the demand will continue grow. Astaxanthin added in poultry feed, can increase in egg yolk pigment content, which is first examine the parameters of European consumers. It can also increase the rate of hen's egg and promotes the health of laying hens’ tretinoin. Meanwhile, early in the incubation 3 weeks, but also promote the growth and feed utilization of chickens to reduce the mortality of chickens, hatching rate, resistance to Salmonella infection, to extend the shelf life of eggs.

Astaxanthin is a feed additive for pigs. It can increase the boar semen volume and increase volume and survival rate in pigs. Astaxanthin is an active anti-stress factor which can enhance the ability of anti-stress feeding animals and family pets. Amt it will make the weight loss and immunity reduction brought by extreme temperatures and sudden environmental changes to a minimum area. The esterified astaxanthin of algae powder is a preferred ingredient in some drug formulations to prevent and treat muscle dysfunction of the horse, cows mastitis and tract inflammation from helicobacter pylori-induced.Source:

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