Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Stopping Panic Attacks by Thinking Differently

Individuals who are about to have

panic attacks experience so many symptoms that might scare them even more,

possibly thinking that they are already experiencing heart attacks.







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Attacks like these are triggered by events that raise the anxiety level of the

affected person. Breathing becomes quite difficult to do; the heart seems to

palpitate; anxiety would surely rise when others would fuel the frustration of

the affected patients.

However, there are techniques that counter these negative things and other

negativities in life in order to avoid a panic attack:

1.             Talk to someone.

Communicate. Express yourself. It is better to tell someone close to you about

your panic attacks. When you are ready, you can also confide the reasons or

factors that can trigger the attack. By telling other people what you feel and

how you feel it will help them open their minds to possible suggestions which

may help you address the anxiety that you feel every time you think about the

things that bother you.

2.             Live life as peacefully as

you can. Avoid being in “hot” situations, such as heated conversations and

arguments about anything at all, however minor the issue. At home, make a

policy not to discuss problems at night to make this a worry-free time. This

way, you will go to bed peacefully and have a fitful night’s sleep. Learn to

develop relaxing activities that you should enjoy to free your mind from all


3.             Smile and laugh. This way,

you will not have room to wrinkle your eyebrows anymore when you think about

anything that is wrong. Try to think of something in your past that was so

funny. Even if it might seem silly, laugh as hard as you can to relieve all the

tension away. The more you laugh, the lesser stress hormones you will have. As

long as you know how to laugh, this will be quite an easy technique to stop

panic attacks.

4.             Live in the moment. Do not

dwell on what will happen next. You may affect the future that you want as long

as you will also be able to steer the current moment into whatever you want it

to be. Teach yourself to think positively, believe that you would be able to

face any problem that the future will throw at you.

5.             Follow the diet plan that

was set for you. Stick to the “eat” and “do not eat” reminders given to you

initially. For instance, do not include anything that has caffeine into your

food. Learn to live without caffeine because this can worsen your attacks.

6.             Maintain a balanced diet.

Complete the diet even more with proteins.

7.             Exercise well. Sweat as

much as you can from exercises if your time allows you to.

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