If you suffer from Paruresis, you're all too aware of the mind's power over the body. Discover the internal communication that goes on inside, which causes you to 'freeze up' at the crucial moment.
The mind is a lot more powerful than the human body; affected individuals of Shy Bladder Syndrome grasp this all too well. Paruretics suffer with the physical challenges of a condition that starts in the mind which is the very meaning of a psychogenic disorder. The mind is an interesting device that we know exceedingly little about. Influencing the conscious mind is obviously within our realm, however the 'subconscious mind' proves to be a much more trickier phenomena to even comprehend; let alone master.
Its no surprise General practitioner success rates in treating Bashful Bladder Syndrome are generally considerably small; theyre conditioned to combat the physical not the psychological. Of course, I by no means underestimate or undermine their competence to indentify medicial issues as to why an individual is unable to urinate. In fact, I encourage Paruretics to be on the safe side and ensure everything is healthy 'down below'. However, individuals must not count on a doctor to be able to cure a subconscious condition. A baker will bake, a carpenter will carve. If you want assistance with a physical condition you visit a Doctor, if you need help with a subconscious issue you go to a professional skilled in that area. It's no coincidence hypnotherapy is broadly regarded as the answer for Shy Bladder Syndrome. It specifically focuses on the mind, something a Doctor is not trained to do.
I would like to share with you the story of one of my own past patients to show exactly how commanding the unconscious mind truly is. For privacy's sake, well call him John. See if you can relate
John is 34 years old and has suffered from Shy Bladder Syndrome for as long as he can recall. He recalls an situation that came about while in his early teens at school as the source of his disorder. He strolled into the toilet and stood at a public urinal, only to be harassed by a number of boys in the class above. John literally froze up. From that stressful day on, John could no longer use public toilets as it brought back the exact emotions of anxiousness.
Being able to cure John has been by far one of the most satisfying accomplishments I have experienced as a clinical hypnotherapist, so allow me to breakdown the course of action that took place in John's 'unconscious mind', so that you can realise what's taking place in your own body.
Firstly, its important to understand the two forces that direct human actions. These are pleasure and also pain. When the distressing event of getting teased took place, John's 'unconscious mind' registered all the sensory information of the environment and associated pain to what he saw, heard, smelt, etc. From that day on, if John entered an environment that his senses recognized were identical, he perceived it as being painful. His brain consequently interpreted the situation as one that is not necessarily safe and that ought to be refrained from. As a result, his unconscious mind overrode all messages of reassurance to loosen up and keep calm he transferred to his conscious mind. Shy Bladder Syndrome is effectively a protection procedure applied by the unconscious mind to make sure that you keep away from painful situations. On one hand we should be thankful that it is looking out for us, even when we are not aware of it. But, the ease in which routines are picked up is extremely troubling for Paruretics, because without the correct tools, they're challenging to destroy.
Shy Bladder Syndrome is a condition that you learned. It is your minds means of keeping away from pain.
Peeing in public places can also be learned. The key; associate pleasure to it.
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