Sunday, August 22, 2021

Nitrous Oxide and Pediatric Dentists

Nitrous oxide has been used effectively by pediatric dentists to calm their young, nervous patients. Here are some things to think about.

Many pediatric dentists have had positive results when using nitrous oxide with their young patients. These oral healthcare practitioners specialize in making the younger set feel comfortable and at ease within their offices. Pediatric offices are geared for babies through teenagers. The décor is often playful and designed for these youngsters and adolescents. There may be games and toys to be utilized and prizes to be had. Cool, vibrant posters and wall art may be in evidence. Sometimes there's a flat screen TV hanging on the wall, with DVDs or shows on that cater to this crowd. When kids feel anxious, this specialized DDS is able to help them relax with nitrous oxide, also referred to as sweet air or laughing gas. Here are some things about nitrous oxide to consider:

- What it is: This medication is a combination of the two gases — nitrous oxide and oxygen. The chemical symbol is N2O-O2. The substance is delivered through a mask. As the patient breathes through this mask, the relaxation response occurs. After the device is removed, there are no telltale aftereffects.

- Laughing gas: Since one of nitrous oxide's nicknames is laughing gas, many people wonder if their kids will begin chuckling during their appointment. The answer to this is "not usually." Although the nickname points to laughter, the medication actually produces a more blissful reaction than a hysterical one.

- Preparation: The patient's stomach should be empty during the appointment. Meals should be given several hours ahead of time so that a minimum of 2 hours has passed before the laughing gas is administered.

- Who this will work for: Some people wonder if this medication will work for all young patients, specifically their own. The answer to this is yes, as long as the patient doesn't have breathing problems that would restrict the delivery method. It's also important for parents to notify dentists if any other drugs are being taken, as some combinations might cause an adverse reaction.

- Safety factors: Many parents of these youngsters wonder if N2O-O2 is safe. The answer given by many dental associations is that it is quite safe to use. It can be easily adjusted depending on need, it doesn't cause allergic reactions, and it won't fully knock the person into unconsciousness. The child is still able to move normally and talk.

- Calms fears: If children are frightened, this medication calms them down. Having consistently peaceful experiences will further expand their dental courage.

- Gag reflex: Some individuals have a gag reflex that proves to be especially challenging while having dental procedures performed. This can make for a miserable experience all around. Thanks to this medication, this problematic reflex can be curtailed during treatment.

- Other benefits of relaxation dentistry with kids: Since the childhood years are formative ones that shape the rest of life, the more good memories a child can accumulate about certain situations such as dentistry, the better that person will view it in the future. Having a positive view of dentists will mean that teeth will be better taken care of throughout life.

Pediatric dentists know how important it is to make young patients feel comfortable. Nitrous oxide is part of that philosophy.

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