Thursday, August 26, 2021

How To Make Your Child's Bedroom Allergy-Free

Looking to keep your children and their bed allergy-free? Well look no further. Below are a few simple tips that can help you and your child enjoy a relaxing nights sleep, while being allergy-free.

Looking to keep your children and their bed allergy-free? Well look

no further. Below are a few simple tips that can help you and your child

enjoy a relaxing nights sleep, while being allergy-free:

Keep pets away from the bedroom.

This may be a hard task for some parents, since many children can't

sleep without their faithful companion being present. Kids just feel

more protected and safe having their favorite pet around them at night.

But unfortunately, pets can help trigger allergies. Many parents assume

that their child is allergic to the pets fur, when in fact they are

actually allergic to pet dander (dry skin and hair) or the protein found

in the saliva and urine of the animal. But pet hair can cause allergies

too because the protein found in the saliva can cling to the hair when

the animal licks itself. Hair or fur can also pick up dust mites, pollen

and even mold. Keeping pets out of the room and weekly baths can help

keep allergies under control.

Down Comforters.

Nothing beats the softness and warmth of a good down comforter. Kids

compare these comforters to giant clouds or marshmallows, because of the

unique baffle box construction and the fluffy feel. Baffle box

construction are the visible square chambers on the comforter. These

chambers help keep the down from shifting. Down comforters are filled

with the down of a goose or duck. It is very rare that goose or duck

down can cause an allergic reaction. But if this is the case with your

child, choose a high quality down comforter that is said to be free of

dust, dirt and allergens. Alternative down comforters are also a great

choice for children prone to allergies. These comforters tend to be

hypoallergenic, having a decreased tendency to provoke allergies.

Duvet Covers.

Although kids duvet covers come in a large selection of colors and

patterns, its main purpose is to actually protect the down comforter

from dirt and stains. Natural fabrics, such as bamboo duvet covers, work

best to protect our kids from allergies. Bamboo does not require the

use of chemical pesticides due to its natural anti-fungal antibacterial

agent. Bamboo is also known to be hypoallergenic and naturally resistant

to dust mites as well. Kids love bold designs and may not like the

simplicity of bamboo bedding. A quick fix to this problem would be to

add a couple of colorful decorative pillows filled with down

alternative. That way kids would love the look of the bed, without the


Last but definitely not least...Clean, clean and clean some more.

Wash bed linens in hot water at least once a week. *Be aware that some

bed linens cannot be washed in hot water. That is why it is very

important to read the manufacturers care label before washing.


wall-to-wall carpeting and replace with bare floors. Mop and sweep

floors daily. Purchase toys that can be washed and kept away in a toy

box, when not in use. Avoid placing stuff animals on bed.

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