Sunday, August 22, 2021

Home Remedies For Allergies - Treat The Disorder Of Immune System

Allergy is an immune system disorder which occurs when it reacts with environmental substances which are normally harmless. The home remedies for allergies are found to be effective in treating all types of allergies.

Allergy is a disorder of the immune system which occurs when it reacts with environmental substances which are normally harmless. The home remedies for allergies are found to be very effective in treating every type of allergies. Moreover, the environmental substances which react with immune system are medically called as allergens. In this condition the immune is hypersensitive towards certain substances, for instance pollens of the flower. And, home remedies for allergies are capable in treating these disorders quite effectually. It can be simply defined as an exaggerated immune response towards allergens. 

It is quite common, and both environmental and genetic factors play an important role to arise this disorder. Moreover, it is a well known fact that immune system is responsible for protecting the body against harmful substances, for example viral and bacterium infection. But, when the immune system becomes hypersensitive towards certain substance which generally causes no harm to most peoples, it begins to react, and produces chemical called histamine which fights the allergens. This causes certain irritating conditions, for example itching, swelling or mucus production. The home remedies for allergies help to neutralize the symptoms, and helps the immune system to fight allergens.

The most common allergens include pollens, dust, pet dander and molds. Also, in many cases it is found that a person is allergic towards jewelry, cosmetics, spices and insect bites. The home remedies for allergies can also help to strengthen the body towards allergens. Moreover, the allergen affects different parts of the body, and causes different symptoms, and home remedies for allergies are capable in treating each part of the affected body.

1. When allergens are breathed in, it causes stuffy nose, itchy nose, mucus production, cough, itchy throat or wheezing.

2. When allergen affects the eyes it causes itchy, red, watery, swollen eyes.

3. Allergens affecting skin causes rash, hives, blisters, itching or skin peeling.

4. When allergens enters through food it causes nausea, abdominal pain, cramping, vomiting, diarrhea or even some times it leads to life-threatening conditions.

5. When drug allergy occurs it involves whole body, and produces variety of symptoms.

The home remedies for allergies can treat any of the mentioned conditions effectively. In addition, it is advised to consult a physical examiner to diagnose the cause for the allergy. There are effective home remedies for allergies which are mentioned ahead which may prove to be helpful in preventing the condition when the reason for allergy is diagnosed.

1. It is important to increase resistance power of the body. When allergens attacks start drinking variety of fruit juices for four to five days. In addition, juice fasts may also help to prevent reaction.

2. After juice fast a person must eat only fruits for first few days. Later some protein foods may also be added. This will not only help to overcome reaction, but it will also help to increase the resistance power towards the allergens.

3. Avoid foods that contain preservatives, and eat only fresh fruits and vegetables. Also, develop a habit of eating cooked meals and avoid packed foods. In addition, avoid caffeine and alcohol based beverages.

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