Thursday, August 5, 2021

Eye Doctor: What Kind of Tests to Expect at Your Next Exam

A routine eye exam is an important part of good overall health. Your

yearly visit to the eye doctor is much like having a complete physical

for your eyes.

Whether it has been a year or several since your last visit to the eye

doctor it is good that you are going for an exam. Your vision is

valuable and taking great care of your eyes is essential. Your

optometrist will use a variety of tests and tools to determine the

health of your eyes as well as to find out whether you need corrective

lenses. An exam typically takes about 30 minutes to an hour depending on

whether you are a contact lens wearer or need glasses. The types of

tests your doctor will do are fairly routine, however your medical

history can influence the type of test that is performed.

During your exam it is common for your eye doctor to use a series of

equipment and solutions to examine the health and quality of vision you

are experiencing. You may remember reading from the chart as a kid, with

one eye covered. This test, a cover test, is a very standard practice

as it tells your optometrist about the strength of your eyes. It can

also diagnose if you have a lazy eye, and measures how you eyes work

together. Also, be prepared to be tested for a variety of ocular

problems such as cataracts, conjunctivitis, and other common eye disease

using a microscope where you rest your chin while the doctor uses the

high powered instrument to look inside the eye. You may also get a test

for glaucoma which is the air puff test. The air is directed into the

eye to test the amount of pressure in the inner eye, the doctor can

measure the pressure and determine if there is a concern. More commonly,

you may have your eyes dilated as well. Dilating the eye allows more

light to enter the eye and allows for the best access to observe the eye

structures. The affect of the dilating solution is temporary, but may

cause slight discomfort, and require you to wear sunglasses for the rest

of the day.

If you are a contact lens or glasses wearer your doctor will check the

prescription to see if any changes have occurred. Some offices use a

retinoscope or an automated machine to check the prescription of their

patients. Your eye doctor can determine the estimated lenses by the

reflection of light on your retina. Once the most accurate measurement

is made, the optometrist can use the phoropter, an instrument that has

various lenses in it, to find the best prescription to suit your eyes.

Having a yearly exam with an eye care professional is not only valuable

to successful sight, but it is crucial to the health of your eyes. Some

problems are only detectable under the light of your eye doctors

microscope and early detection is critical for treating ocular disease.

Making an appointment with your eye doctor for a comprehensive exam will

improve your overall well being.

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