The tummy tuck has been a popular form of cosmetic surgery for some time, giving people a lifesaver when it comes to removing loose skin and unwanted fat from their midsection. Here are a few things you might not know about this procedure.

The tummy tuck (also known as an abdominoplasty) has been a popular form of cosmetic surgery for some time, giving people a lifesaver when it comes to removing loose skin and unwanted fat from their midsection. Even after losing a great deal of weight, many people are unhappy with the way they look without a shirt on. Unless they are still very young, chances are their skin isnt as elastic as it used to be. Following pregnancy, the abdominal muscles can be weak and torn. This procedure can do a lot to fix those problems. Here are a few things you might not know about this procedure.
While not to alarm anyone, it should be noted that the abdominoplasty is definitely on the invasive side of the scale when it comes to plastic surgery. Expect some downtime. If you have a job, youll probably want to schedule at least two weeks off from work while you recover. If your job is particularly physically strenuous, you may need even more time than that. Risks are minimal when you go to an experienced and knowledgeable surgeon, but little can be done about this necessary recovery time.
While a tummy tuck often involves removing some of the fatty tissue from the midsection, it shouldnt be confused with liposuction. Liposuction is rather less invasive and requires much less downtime. However, most forms of liposuction will not do anything about repairing and tightening loose skin or the abdominal wall. In fact, some people only find they want or need a tummy tuck after they have undergone successful liposuction.
Because the tummy tuck is a serious surgery, many doctors have a rule that states you must be at a stable weight before going under the knife. This is not the kind of procedure you want to have more than once. Women who are still planning to have children in the future may want to wait until they are past that time before having the procedure done.
Finally, there is some good news to this procedure. Many forms of cosmetic surgery require a touch up or a complete redo after some time has passed. This is not true of the tummy tuck. As long as you do not gain weight or get pregnant, you can more or less enjoy the results of the surgery for a lifetime. While you may not always look the way you did at the peak of your fitness, the effects of the surgery will always have a positive impact on your figure.
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