When someone has psoriasis, the skin is affected, however it is actually an autoimmune condition. The skin is red and itchy with silvery scale present. The name for these areas is plaques. They can ap...

When someone has psoriasis, the skin is affected, however it is actually an autoimmune condition. The skin is red and itchy with silvery scale present. The name for these areas is plaques. They can appear anywhere on the body, but mostly on the elbows, arms, armpits, scalp and sometimes the back and can be mild or severe. The proportion of people that get psoriasis is around 3% to 5% of the whole population. Young and old are affected equally at anytime in life. but is thought to be hereditary in certain cases.
The plaques cannot be spread externally over the body and cannot be transferred to someone else.
Psoriasis has an internal cause. it is what is called an autoimmune condition.
The normal way in which skin grows is that new cells appear by cell division in the lower basal layer of the epidermis, which is the top layer of skin the one that you can see. The new cells migrate upwards to the top of the skin layer, displacing the dead cells on the surface of the skin, which are then shed in a unbroken process.
When you have a shower and towel yourself dry, literally thousands of dead skin cells are rubbed off.
When skin is affected by psoriasis, certain cells in the immune system, called T cells, become over active and produce inflammatory chemicals, which act if there were an infection present. When this happens, new skin cells are produced at an considerably increased rate. As new cells are moving up much faster, the dead cells on the surface cannot be got rid of fast enough.
Although around 30% of sufferers are thought to have inherited the condition through their genes, the condition might only start when a problem such as an infection on the body or injury to the skin triggers it off.
Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition, so creams and ointments can have only a local impression on the skin symptoms. Creams and ointments cannot correct the real cause of psoriasis, but only relieve the symptoms.
Lifestyle changes are the only way to confront the prime cause.
a good healthy low fat diet with exercise and stress reduction actions can benefit the psoriasis sufferer.
It should be emphasised that everyone is an individual and the actual diet followed should be adjusted by experimentation to suit that person. Diverse amounts of protein or carbohydrate benefit different people in diverse ways.
A diet consisting of fresh organic fruit and vegetables, raw wherever doable, lean poultry, wholegrain carbohydrates and a minimal of diary is an primary method in overcoming the condition.
Red meat alcohol and anything high in saturated fat should be avoided. Processed food, ready meals and high fat, salt and sugar food should not be consumed.
As much as possible, sugar should be eliminated from the diet. Sugar is a substance that creates conditions in the body that encourage many of the ailments that people in western industrialised societies especially diabetes.
Mineral supplements are also recommended as much of the food grown on soil that has been exploited for many years, lack many of the trace minerals requisite for optimum health.
Vitamin D is a vitamin that is made by the body when uncovered to sunlight. For those who live in the parts of the world who see little sun in winter, vitamin D supplements are essential.
A vitamin D supplement of 2000IU per day or exposure on a sunbed can top up your levels in the winter.
Appropriate levels of exercise can help your immune system and ease stress at the same time.
Running, cycling and swimming are all terrific. If after many years of inactiveness you are planning to start exercise, check with your doctor.
Any autoimmune problem with improve with stress reduction techniques. Relaxation sessions and meditation are all very good. Find where any stress in your life is coming from and try to alter or eradicate this.
The symptoms of psoriasis should gradually shrink if these measures are followed.
More advice and information can be found at Psoriasis Natural Cure
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