Sunday, July 25, 2021

Mastitis - Pain and Swelling in the Breasts

Mastitis is an infection of the breast caused by poor or delayed emptying of a blocked duct. The breast feels hot, shiny and the patient may also feel feverish.

Some women suffer from pain and swelling in their breasts. This problem is also called Mastitis. It is an infection of the breast caused by poor or delayed emptying of a blocked duct. As a result of the blockage the milk leaks out into the breast tissues and causes infection. The infected area is usually painful, red, swollen and shiny because of stretching and may feel hot. The patient may also feel feverish.

Let’s discuss mastitis in another simpler way. In mastitis, the tubes through which the breast milk flows are blocked and the milk leaks into an area of the breast which becomes infected. The breast feels hot, shiny and the patient might even develop fever. The reason of this breast disorder is not clear, but usually this occurs several weeks after child-birth.

It is advised that a mother with this infection should continue breastfeeding her baby. Though a woman may have this infection, the germs do not pass into the breast milk and the baby does not suffer. The problem, if not treated quickly, will turn into an abscess. The patient suffering from mastitis should consult a doctor who usually prescribes antibiotics. The best way to treat Mastitis is to encourage the drainage of milk and to use antibiotics as advised by the doctor.

When the condition is very painful and breasts get too swollen, the problem is called Epidemic Mastitis. Apart from the painful swelling of the breasts, the patient usually has fever. Since the infection involves the milk tubes, it is possible that pus mixed with milk may be oozing from the nipples at the time of breastfeeding. Doctors often recommend antibiotics for killing infectious germs and Aspirin to bring down the fever.

The women suffering from this problem should frequently express breast milk; otherwise the blockage of the tubes will worsen. The expression of milk will not only relieve the tension and pain, but will help the patient to recover faster also to maintain breast milk supply. As there is every possibility that pus is mixed with the breast milk it is wise to consult a doctor.

Disclaimer: This article is not meant to provide health advice and is for general information only. Always seek the insights of a qualified health professional before embarking on any health program.

Copyright © Nick Mutt, All Rights Reserved. If you want to use this article on your website or in your ezine, make all the urls (links) active.

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