Professional hair care products that empower the professional stylist to create and fulfill our most heart felt desires.

The day has come where your amazing hair stylist tells you he is moving, not to a new hair salon but out of state! What do you do now? How are you going to find a hair stylist with the same level of professionalism as your hair stylist has now? If you really care about your hair you are going to need few tips on how to pick your newest hair stylist.These days hair stylists are a dime a dozen, everywhere you look there is a hair salon or hair salon/nail salon on just about every corner. How do you find one that will give you the personally attention that you want and expect?When the time comes to picking out a new hair stylist ask your current hair stylist first off if he knows of anyone that he would trust with your hair. If you go to a busy hair salon start looking around at the others as they as work and ask him if he feels anyone of them will give you the same treatment and care that he has. If he says no, then its time to start looking else where.The best time to start looking is before you really need your next trim. If you get your hair trim/ colored/ straighten at a set time such as every 6 to 8 weeks then you need to start looking the minute you know he is leaving. That gives you time because if you are hurried into picking a new one, you may not get the right one and dealing with a bad hair cut just doesnt work!Rule number one:Dont ask your friends, family or co-workers who does their hair! First off if they are all going to the same one and have the same cut no matter what, thats not someone you want. Mostly they will not want to tell you who their personal hair stylist is because they probably have told him all types of personal secrets that they dont want you to know about. A really good hair stylist is like your best friend, and doesnt share your secrets with anyone, including any of your friends!Rule number two:Dont pick your new hair stylist out of the yellow pages because their ad looks great. That doesnt tell you anything personal about them only that they know how to advertise.Rule number three:If you see someone on the street that you may see every day but is still be a stranger and always has amazing hair, ask her who her hair stylist is! First off she will be really flattered that you noticed and will be more than willing to tell you who and may even have a business card with her. Really good hair stylists will have given her cards to hand out with deals on first time visits, so ask her all about him!Once you have decided on someone, you still need to ask him questions that will tell you if you feel this new hair stylist is going to work out.Dont be sexist about picking one out, no matter what their personal life is about, that doesnt matter to you if they do amazing things with hair! Man or woman it doesnt matter, you just want someone you can be comfortable with.The very first thing you need to do once you have picked one, is to meet them in their chair with wet hair. He needs to know how your hair moves, how it looks dry, the condition its in, what products you use, how much time you want to take on your hair style, even the shape of your head. All this needs to be taken in to consideration by him.For you on the other hand, the very first thing you should see is how passionate he is about what he does! Most amazing hair stylists live and breathe hair. And their background will tell you about it!So ask about their background. Where did they go to beauty school? How long have they been out? What special training has he done? Does the hair salon he works in have mandatory technical training to help keep up with the newest styles and techniques? What advanced training did he do outside of the hair salon he now works in? Better hair stylists would of paid for out of their own pockets (thousands of dollars) for advanced training from major hair companies such as Vital Sassom or Paul Mitchell academies. Also he will probably keep going to classes on hair to make sure his knowledge is keeping up with the times. If by some chance, has he been in any hair competitions or goes to the hair shows? All this will give you the best idea what type of training he has.Also ask for what the fees are up front as well. You dont want to get sticker shock when its time to pay for any work done.Picking a new hair stylist is almost like picking out a new best friend. This person will care for your hair, help you decide what is best and will keep any secrets you may share. Taking the time to choose a new hair stylist will make sure that once your old hair stylist moves on, you will be taken care of with the highest professional treatment you are worth. If you are not getting the right treatment now, its time to start looking for a better hair stylist today!
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