Are you fed up and down-in-the-dumps because you can't get rid of those beastly spots that plague you? Are you losing self-confidence and self-esteem because of them? Well, at least you are certainly not alone. Ugly acne spots are the curse of most teenagers and a good few adults, too. But you can do a lot by following some simple guidelines along with the use of readily available home remedies for pimples.

When it comes to spots and acne the right home remedies for pimples are actually very effective, when an outbreak attacks you. Are you fed up and down-in-the-dumps because you can't get rid of those beastly spots that plague you?Are you losing self-confidence and self-esteem because of them? Well, at least you are certainly not alone. Ugly acne spots are the curse of most teenagers and a good few adults, too.But you can do a lot by following some simple guidelines along with the use of readily available home remedies for pimples.To eliminate the problem, let's look at what acne pimples are, what causes them and finally some great remedies and tips to help heal and eradicate them.Acne vulgaris makes its presence uncomfortably known to you, by forming not only pimples, but also blackheads, superficial sebaceous cysts and if untreated, scars on the skin. They mostly break out anywhere on the face, temples, chest or back.Some of the causes are over-consumption of sugar, fried foods and excessive starch. This gives rise to what is known as internal dampness in Chinese medicine, which eventually erupts as cysts, blackheads and pimples.Chronic constipation can be a major contributing factor as the digestive system becomes more clogged up, causing toxins to be re-absorbed into the bloodstream.As the skin is an alternative eliminative channel closely linked to the bowels, any constipation can give rise to the body using the skin as a secondary excretory outlet for toxins, hence the outcrop of pimples and spots appearing on it.In addition to these, are the raging hormones of teenage years which add to the clogging of oil glands.To improve this situation, you will need to eat more healthily, introducing plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, that with their natural fiber content should propel the digestive system to eliminate more waste through the bowel. Reduce chomping on junk food - sweets, cakes, chocolate and other high sugar carbohydrate foods. They clog up the system and have you noticed, you want to keep eating them?Foods rich in zinc or taking a zinc supplement has often brought about a dramatic improvement. A good indication of being deficient in zinc, is the presence of white flecks on your finger nails. It is best to take advice from a nutrition therapist before taking zinc as too much can cause a reduction of copper in the body.I have found that the topical use oatmeal on the affected skin is very effective. Make a paste from fine oatmeal and warm water and smooth this onto the skin, leaving for as long as possible. This not only soothes the angry skin in the area of acne outbreak, but it also draws out the toxins via the skin pores, helping to unclog them and allowing them to 'breathe'. Daily or weekly use of oatmeal paste can bring about a very noticeable improvement. I consider this to be one of the best home remedies for pimples.There are many simple as well as effective treatments you can use which are both safe and non-toxic, without having to resort to some of the more invasive chemical over-the-counter treatments.
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