Friday, June 25, 2021

The Popularity of Yasmin Remains Unaltered Despite Controversy

In this article you will find adequate details about Yasmin and the benefits you may expect from this medication. It also guides you to use this medication most safely for total protection from the risks of unwanted pregnancy.

The experts of the UK contraceptive pill market study are of the opinion that recent controversies surrounding the risk of life threatening complications caused by hormonal birth control pills may significantly impact popularity of these pills. Several clinical studies conducted during past couple of years, according to the leading news sources, have proved that prolonged administration of hormonal contraceptive medications may increase the risk of heart attack and blood clotting. In addition, certain renowned medication controlling agencies have decided to attend this matter quite seriously and they also have appealed to users of the modern contraceptive pills to use these medications with care. It is difficult to say at this moment whether such controversies surrounding hormonal contraceptive medications, especially Yasmin, have impacted the popularity negatively or not but sexually active women in the UK haven’t stopped to use this pill.

The sources that have warned women about serious side effects of birth control pills have specified that tablets containing levonorgestrel are responsible for causing blood clots in 1 of every 10,000 women every year; whereas the number goes up to 1.5 to 3 in every 10,000 every in case of birth control pills containing drospirenone, such as Yasmin. However, several other sources, even physicians prescribing this pill to their patients, have argued that if this pill is used properly then instances of such problem is extremely rare, provided that a user doesn’t already have a history of blood clot problems or she is over 35, already pregnant or addicted to smoking. Some of these sources have gone to the extent of asserting that even if Yasmin pills are harmful, the risk factor is so minimal that it doesn’t require such widespread attention.

Practically speaking, despite improvement in the field of hormonal birth control pills, there hasn’t been any other alternative that can challenge the popularity and versatile advantages that Yasmin pills offer users. This birth control pill uses artificial oestrogen and progestogen, the two important female sex hormones, in the forms of ethinylestradiol and drospirenone. While the level of natural oestrogen and progestogen keeps changing throughout the menstrual cycle of a woman, the constant supply of these two hormones due to Yasmin administration, keeps the level high constantly. The recommended way to take this birth control pill is to start taking it from the first day of your menstrual cycle and continue it for 21 days without interruption. It is also important that a user takes her daily dosages around the same time. After completion of the 21 days the user is required to take a 7 day pill-free period. During the initial days of taking Yasmin a user may feel certain common side effects – diarrhoea, nausea, headache, breast tenderness and indigestion – that are most likely to stop as soon as her body becomes habituated to the synthetic hormones.

You may buy Yasmin pills from the by following certain simple steps. First you need to get registered with us and after that you are required to take a short online consultation. It is for your safety only you should answer the questions without hiding anything. It will help us to get a closer understanding of your physical condition and enable us to determine whether you can take this contraceptive pill without facing any complications or not. If you case is passed, in the final stage you are free to order your course and we will dispatch your order for overnight delivery.

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