Thursday, June 3, 2021

Liposuction - Pros and Cons of the Popular Procedure

Lipoplasty, more commonly known as liposuction, is a procedure that uses techniques to remove unwanted fat from a variety of locations on the body. Men and women that choose to undergo this type of su...

Lipoplasty, more commonly known as liposuction, is a procedure that uses techniques to remove unwanted fat from a variety of locations on the body. Men and women that choose to undergo this type of surgery are often satisfied with the overall shape of their body, but wish to tone or tighten one or two isolated areas. This type of procedure is not a valid replacement for eating a healthy diet and maintaining an active lifestyle. Results are immediate, but it is possible to easily put the weight back on and undo all of the plastic surgeon’s hard work.

Men and women that make great candidates for liposuction surgery are in good general health overall and do not have bleeding or clotting disorders. During your first consultation with your physician, he or she will thoroughly review your past medical history as well as any current medications or health problems you may have. It is highly advised that you stop smoking for at least two weeks before and after surgery to help avoid extended wound healing or separation. Smoking constricts vascular blood flow and prevents wounds from closing as cleanly as they should. 

Other risks and side effects of liposuction are similar to any invasive cosmetic surgery. Patients may experience an adverse reaction to the anesthesia, may have excessive bleeding, hematoma formation, seroma formation, infection, blood clots, wound separation, delayed healing, asymmetry, irregularities or excessive scarring. As with most surgeries, these risks are very rare and whether or not they occur is highly dependent on the skill and experience of the surgeon performing the operation. As such, in order to maximize positive results and ensure you are satisfied with the long-term effects of your surgery, it is important to thoroughly research your liposuction surgeon. Ensure he or she is board certified and has a lot of experience with this type of procedure. They should be able to provide you with a variety of before and after pictures. If possible, talk with previous patients to determine their overall satisfaction.

During the recovery period, it is normal to experience a moderate amount of pain, redness, soreness, swelling or bruising. These side effects should resolve spontaneously within a couple of weeks. Let your doctor know immediately if redness or inflammation increases because this can indicate an infection and should be treated with antibiotics.

A hollow tube (cannula) is used in liposuction surgery to remove adipose tissue from a variety of sites on the body. An aspirator or suction device is used to remove the fat and often it is replaced with fluid in order to maintain the body’s natural homeostasis. Occasionally, a space may need to be created between the muscle layer and fatty tissue. This type of procedure is called tumescent liposuction. Other variations of liposuction techniques include assistance with ultrasound that breaks up fat cells with vibration, or power-assisted in which the process is mechanized and automated so that the surgeon doesn’t need to make any manual movements. 

Contact a plastic surgeon in your area today if you think liposuction is right for you. A board certified and experienced physician will be happy to discuss the pros and cons of this cosmetic procedure with you and determine the best plan for your ideal body.

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