Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Invisalign: Braces for Adults

Braces are a stereotypical part of awkward teenage years when teeth grow in too quickly or don't fit properly in jaws that haven't yet reached their adult size. Most people that straighten their teeth...

Braces are a stereotypical part of awkward teenage years when teeth grow in too quickly or don't fit properly in jaws that haven't yet reached their adult size. Most people that straighten their teeth do so when they are younger while the teeth and jaws are still relatively easy to align. As such, it is rare to find adults that undergo the extensive orthodontic treatment required to straighten teeth when they are older. Big, clunky metal braces are often viewed as a rite of initiation and passage through puberty during a time when every little thing about your appearance matters immensely to you and to the peers around you.

However, there is a new trend in adult dentistry that is pervading many expectations for our oral health and hygiene as we age. For many people, they were unable to afford braces as kids and their families left them with crooked teeth throughout childhood and into adulthood. This can cause pain and difficulties down the road that may make it hard to achieve full oral hygiene and maximum dental function. In addition, many people become unsatisfied with the way their smile looks and would like to take corrective steps to repair the size and shape of their smile as they age. When we get older, our finances often become more malleable and certainly become more under our control. As such, it is during this adult period that many individuals turn to teeth straightening techniques that they or their families could not afford when they were younger. However, most adults do not want to have to deal with the ugly and clunky metal braces associated with teenage awkwardness. Instead, new technology allows us to straighten teeth with virtually invisible aligners that work while not attracting attention to their job.

This product is called Invisalign and revolutionary way to promote a straight smile without unsightly or uncomfortable braces. Invisalign is custom fitted by your dentist to fit your teeth and jaw. This unique product is made up of aligner trays that are worn over the teeth for a certain number of hours each day. The invisible trays gently and smoothly shift the alignment of your teeth according to the outline your dentist or orthodontist has planned. As your teeth move, a new set of Invisalign retainers are created and used to continue shaping your teeth within your jaw to create the straight smile that you desire.

Contact your dentist for more information about Invisalign and how it can help you improve your smile as an adult without the ugly and uncomfortable braces associated with teenage years.

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