Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Good Exercise for Good Health in Ayurveda

Therefore, Ayurveda is regarded as a holistic system of medicine that joins together the science and philosophy in order to balance the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual components of the human body necessary for good health.

Ayurveda is a system of natural healing that originated in India 5,000 years ago. Its basic principle is that each of us has a specific mind-body type, known as a dosha, which is influenced by everything we do and experience. Health is maintained by balancing our dosha with our environment and lifestyle, through meditation, diet, herbs, oil massages, and fasting.

 According to Ayurveda, Kapha individuals need the most vigorous exercise, but at the same time, the exercise should never be extreme.  Find a good balance between doing too little and over doing it.  Breaking a nice sweat is good, but being totally breathless is probably too much. A Kapha body type has a propensity towards weight gain so you need to make exercise a daily part of you life.  The hardest part will be to get the exercise program underway.Getting started though is another matter for Kapha types and usually requires shock treatment. 

According to Ayurveda, every living being in the universe is a combination of five basic elements called Panchamahabhootas. These five elements are space, air, fire, water and earth. Balancing these elements is the best method to maintain health and in the treatment of diseases. Earth corresponds to the solid structure in the body, water is in all body fluids, fire controls the functioning of enzymes, air denotes the movement and space corresponds to spaces within the body.

These panchamahabhootas combine into three more energy levels known as Tridoshas that determines our health and physical condition. These three doshas or humors are vatta, pitta and kapha. The elements air and space combines together to form vatta, elements fire and water forms pitta and the elements earth and water combines to form kapha. Each dosha plays an important role in the maintenance of the body. The panchamahabhootas and tridoshas are not visible to the naked eye but all the physical structures and physiological functions are included in them. Please Purchase Online

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