Thursday, June 3, 2021

Dentures Before 60: Why It Isn't that Uncommon

Dentures aren't only for senior citizens or those who have lost all of their teeth. People as young as their 20's and 30's have been known to get false teeth, and there are many reasons why.

It's been a common misconception that dentures are for the elderly who have lost all of their teeth due to the aging process. The dental devices, whether full or partial, can be used on any adult regardless of age, and sometimes it's a better option than other alternatives. Not everyone will be a suitable candidate for crowns or implants, and several missing teeth or severe infection will require dental intervention to maintain oral strength and health. If your dentist recommends false teeth when you're under 60 years of age, it may not be that crazy of an idea.

Missing teeth is the reason that many people seek full or partial dentures. A partial or bridge is usually the best solution, as pulling too many teeth can cause bone erosion and other complications. Preserving as many healthy teeth as possible is important for maintaining the facial bone and muscle structure. The only other option for camouflaging missing teeth is implants, which are considerably more expensive. These can cost thousands of dollars for a single tooth and will require multiple sittings. A candidate for dental implants must also have enough bone to support the screw that is drilled into the jaw. If not enough is available, it must be harvested from elsewhere or the procedure may not be possible. While false teeth may not be as permanent, the process is considerably less stressful and inexpensive in comparison.

Extensive decay is one reason why so many elderly people require dentures, so what about the youngsters? Are they just neglecting their oral health? Not necessarily. While sometimes chronically infected teeth can be due to poor maintenance, like all diseases, some people are just more prone to teeth and gum problems. They may brush and floss more than others but won't be able to fight off brittleness, cavities, or gum disease. Genetics plays a role in tooth development, which is why some people have a perfect smile from birth and others require years of orthodontics to get it straight.

Personal mistakes can sometimes lead to irreversible consequences. Drug use, neglect, and poor dietary habits can result in the quick deterioration of enamel and bone. Teeth can weaken or even loosen in their sockets, eventually rotting away, dying at the root, or falling out. It's not pleasant, and once a tooth reaches a certain level of damage the only option is extraction. People don't have to live forever with these unfortunate reminders of a past unhealthy lifestyle. Dentures can not only stop the discomfort of infection, but can improve self confidence.

Still don't want to get dentures? They don't have to be permanent. If you're unhappy with your smile but can't afford another treatment such as implants, a dental device can help you improve your appearance in the meantime while you save up the funds for other treatments. There are also removable and fixed bridge options if you just need a partial replacement. People as young as in their late 20's get false teeth, so don't think you're alone.

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