Thursday, June 3, 2021

Dentist Eagan

Studies have shown a link between gum disease and cardiac disease and how you can help maintain your overall health by regular visits to the dentist. 

Regular teeth cleanings can do more than just help your smile maintain its charm and winning white teeth. Regular deep cleanings can also help prevent heart attacks, stokes and the gum disease that causes it all. Patients who have had heart attacks or a history of cardiac health problems are probably already familiar with their doctor’s warnings to keep their teeth in good health. It may seem like an odd connection to make between oral health and good cardiac health but studies have shown that 90% of systemic diseases have oral manifestations.

In fact studies have proven that there is a surprisingly stronger link to heart attacks and gum disease than there is between heart attacks and high cholesterol levels. Studies are still trying to find out exactly why this is, but so far the verdict seems to be showing that gum disease is a risk factor for heart problems. Disease will cause the gums to bleed and become infected. The bleeding from infected gums gives bacteria a portal into your system and into your blood and arteries. Once a bacterium is in your system it can cause arterial plaque to build up and slow the flow of blood leading to heart problems.

One study looking for the answer to the connection between gum disease and heart problems has found the link may be the C-reactive protein. For people who have a large body mass in conjunction with gum disease the increased risk for heart disease may be linked to higher C-reactive protein (serum in the blood) that is a marker for heart disease.

Other studies are currently trying to understand why people who have strokes have a higher rate of gum disease than those in the control group who do not.

The best preventative medicine for cardiac disease seems to be found with being proactive with your oral hygiene. To help maintain you overall health and guard against gum disease make regular dental care visits a part of your lifestyle. This should include having your teeth deep cleaned at least twice a year which is recommended by most dentists, and develop healthy oral hygiene habits that include regular brushing and flossing. The dentist is your best source to help you treat and prevent gum disease and help educate you on how to maintain the health of your mouth and ultimately the health of your hear

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