Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Breast Augmentation Recovery Advancements

Breast Augmentation – post plastic surgery recovery advancement overview by a board certified plastic surgeon on breast implants and breast augmentation surgery, recommendations regarding post surgery.

Breast augmentation recovery approaches have advanced just as much as the procedure has over the past decade. It used to be that breast augmentation recovery was taxing, with outdated patient comforts and a limited range of aids to improve outcomes through healthy recoveries. Today, breast augmentation patients can choose from respite services that provide a nurse for the first few days following breast augmentation. Even, traveling patients to Dr. Blau’s office can feel more at home at hotels that Dr. Blau refers them to through more improved recovery aids than offered in years past. Indeed, breast augmentation recovery today can provide better aids to reduce side effects associated with breast augmentation and before you know it the side effects will be long gone, including:

Breast Augmentation Garments: Following breast augmentation, the breasts may feel hardened, malformed, and rest very high on the chest wall. For this reason, breast augmentation garments are used to create the most natural feel, shape and location of the breasts on the chest. In addition, breast augmentation garments reduce swelling that is associated with breast augmentation recovery. The traditional type of breast compression garment that has been used is a reinforced garment that is required to be worn 24 hours a day for two or more week’s time. Today, breast augmentation patients can choose from breast augmentation vests, bandeaus, wraps, foam garments, and bras to have the most comfortable recovery period throughout every stage in the recovery of the breast augmentation.  

Breast Augmentation Anti-Nausea Medication:  Nausea may occur following breast augmentation surgery and throughout the recovery period. Today, plastic surgeons take precautions to reduce the risk of nausea after breast augmentation. They may advise or use medication prior to the procedure and recommend the use of prescription medications such as Benedryl, Zofran, Decadron or Phenegran following breast augmentation.

Breast Augmentation Mouistrizers: After breast augmentation surgery, breasts may appear to be discolored, reddened, shiny or produce stinging sensations. This is because breast implants stretch the skin and until the breasts get used to the stretch over the first 10 days or so, some of the described symptoms may occur. Now, breast augmentation patients can find relief in select moisturizers that can reduce the side effects during the recovery period.  

Breast Nipple Anti-Sensitivity Aids: In some cases, the nipples remain erect and/or are sensitive during the recovery period. Today’s nursing pads and round band aids offer a means to protect the nipples from temporary sensitivity.    

Breast Augmentation Healing Aids:  Though all medications, vitamins and natural healing remedies used prior to surgery and during recovery must be approved by the plastic surgeon that is performing the procedure, there are a few natural healing remedies that have passed the test of time to leverage a better overall recovery period. Arnica Montana can improve swelling. Bromelain can reduce swelling and decrease pain. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that speeds up the recovery period. Vitamin A thwarts off infection. Selinium may be used with other compounds to reduce the recovery time period. However, the use of any of the described healing aids should be discussed with Dr. Blau at least two weeks prior to the procedure.

Breast Augmentation Scar Aids: The development of scars depends upon a variety of factors, including heredity and protective measures that are taken for the incision such as staying out of the sun during recovery and using SPF 15 or greater thereafter. Initially, scars may appear reddened or raised. They will fade and flatten over time. The extent of scarring can be reduced through medical assistance, including: surgical paper tape used at the start of recovery, steri-strips or silicone sheeting at the second phase of recovery, and perhaps, topical gels that can be continued for up to a year post surgery. It may be worthwhile to take Vitamin E orally, but it should not be applied to the incision. It is important to note that the use of Vitamin E and other scar reduction products should be reviewed with Dr. Blau prior to the breast augmentation procedure. Vitamin and supplements may affect blood clotting which may result in a complication and longer recovery time period.

Bed Rest Support: Bed rest that is required following breast augmentation can be made more comfortable through leg wedges and special head pillows. Elevation of the legs following breast augmentation is often required to improve blood flow and circulation while at bed rest. Leg wedges are pillows that are in the shape of an appropriately degreed incline to provide the right lift for the legs. Special pillows that are king size can be propped up to offer greater comfort and helps to improve the outcome of the procedure.

Breast Cold Compress: Cold compresses offeredtoday helps to improve swelling and enhances the recovery period.    

Breast augmentation recovery usually takes up two weeks time. During this time period, patients are advised to refrain from activities that would put undue pressure on the breasts and exercise may not be performed for a month of more following the procedure. In addition, Dr. Blau will have specific instructions for breast augmentation patients that are related to the individualized approach of the procedure.

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