Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Tips to be followed by Boys to Gain Weight Fast

Some skinny guys are cursed with a fast metabolism. No matter how much he tries, he cannot gain weight. They have to face a lot of criticism and embarrassment for being very thin. The best weight gain...

Some skinny guys are cursed with a fast metabolism. No matter how much he tries, he cannot gain weight. They have to face a lot of criticism and embarrassment for being very thin. The best weight gain tips for boys that can help them to lose weight fast are mentioned below

One must eat like hulk. They have to eat more. However this doesn’t mean that one has to stock up on oily food and fatty food. This will make a person feel very sluggish. Super healthy high calorie foods must be consumed. These foods must be powered by healthy fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Foods that are rich in carbohydrates include pasta, breads, rice, potatoes, yams, fruits and potatoes. Foods that are rich in proteins include chicken steaks, lean beef, salmon, milk, cottage cheese and eggs. Foods that are very rich in healthy fat include avocados, olive oil, flax oil and peanut butter.If one wishes to gain weight very fast, he needs to overhaul his eating schedule. He must eat every 2 to 3 hours. He must eat every 15 minutes. A BIG breakfast must be consumed. Parathas with yoghurt, fruits, egg sandwich, cheese and a glass of milk is perfect. However, one should not forget to keep himself hydrated. One should not eat in small plates, glasses and bowls as they are used by small eaters. Once it is decided by skinny guys to become bulky dudes, the crockery must be changed. Bigger plates must be used as they mean bigger portions. Thus this contributes to a great extent in gaining weight. The refrigerator must be loaded with healthy food. Milk, juices, fresh fruits and processed meat must be kept in the refrigerator.Healthy drinks must be in the diet. This is one of the most effective weight gain tips for boys.  Heath drinks like protein shakes are required for building muscle mass. A person must have protein shakes at least twice a day.One should keep a track of his calories. There are 500 calories in 100 gm of peanut butter and 380 calories in white pasta. One should never exercise on an empty stomach. The process of weight gain will be hampered. Some fruits and protein shakes must be consumed before exercising. One should also make sure that the trainer is very well aware of the process of building muscle mass. 

Thus one must surely follow these fast weight gain tips for boys.

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