Sunday, May 23, 2021

Talk to a Plastic Surgeon About Your Child's Appearance

Some parents assume their child could benefit from plastic surgery. If

you are considering this move for your child, talk to a plastic surgeon

before making any decisions.

In many cases, there is no minimum age at which to see a plastic surgeon

to determine how certain appearance-related flaws can be fixed. In

fact, some parents have paid for cosmetic surgery for their kids because

they were getting bullied at school. Of course, not everyone agrees

with this decision, and there is no guarantee that it will stop the

bullying. However, it may be an option for some kids. Consider when you

should talk to a doctor about options for your child.

If your child was simply born with ears that are an odd shape, size, or

position, you may be thinking about cosmetic surgery for them. Some

children are born with microtia, which makes their ears too small,

though in some cases it also causes the ears to be asymmetrical. Some

kids, on the other hand, are embarrassed about their overly large ears.

Fortunately, otoplasty, or cosmetic surgery for the ear, exists. During

this operation, doctors can change the shape or size of the ear,

depending on what is needed. Most children who get this surgery are

rather young, such as before they even enter school, but they do need to

be at least three years old in most cases. This is because they have to

follow directions during the operation so the doctor can get the best


Another feature that some kids are made fun of for is the nose. Many

people have a nose that is overly large or crooked, or has a big bump in

the middle. If your child is bullied at school or called names because

of this, it may be wise to see a plastic surgeon for a consultation.

While the bullying may go away later in life, your child still may be

unhappy with the nose since it can affect the appearance so much. Of

course, having a nose that is not perfect is also known to add character

to the face, so if your child is not yet having any issues over it at

school, you may want to wait until they become older and bring up the

issue. Either way, a consultation is recommended if you think an

operation may improve their life in some way.

In fact, many parents only get as far as the initial consultation with a

plastic surgeon because they find that their kid does not necessarily

need the operation. If they are not being bullied, or it does not seem

related to their appearance, you are advised to wait it out and let them

make the decision on their own as an adult. If a certain feature seems

large now, they may grow into it eventually. Another reason that some

parents stop at the consultation is that some surgeons do have a minimum

age at which they perform procedures, but if you are adamant that your

kid have the operation, you may be able to find a different doctor with a

younger minimum age. Just be sure to put lots of thought into the

issue, as it is known as a controversial one.

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