Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Pleasant suprise at the weight you will lose by getting rid of Toxins after a cleanse

Nearly 40 individuals have lost 100 pounds or more. This success, along with creating 12 millionaires, helped make Isagenix the featured company in the October issue of Your Business at Home magazine. "Over the past four years, Isagenix has helped those who have used our products lose a cumulative total of more than one million pounds," said Isagenix President and CEO Jim Coover

My name is Ralph Morton, I live in God’s Country Beautiful British Columbia. I arrived here,1964 from England, at the age of 35. I left school at the age of 14, grade equivalent to grade 6, my work experience consisted of working at the Coal Mines, then I became a Farmer, not exactly the grounding for the rigors of North America, I think you’ll agree.

I came to Canada without any job security to search for a new life. After a while of looking and attending interviews for employment I came across an advertisement where the people were looking for salesmen to sell this fantastic machine. This machine according to the newspaper, had been developed by a Space Research Company.

Off I went, saying myself they’re never going to hire a Grade 6 man. When I got there and saw it was a vacuum cleaner it was quite a shock. I asked myself, how can a Farmer sell door to door. Impossible  There was however, a feeling in that office, there were salesmen running around, the Manager seemed to project some sort of aura I had never felt before. Something here was entirely different than I had ever experienced before. Well, the outcome was I tried out as a Vacuum Salesman. Imagine what my wife said when I phoned her as she was still in England.

The next day, I went to the office and met the whole staff. When I entered I was astonished by the greeting I received from the receptionist, it seem she had known me all of her life, and that she liked me very much. I had never in my life experienced anything like this before. I remembered this, because any receptionist who worked for me in later years always had to become that receptionist of my very first day in vacuum sales.

I was only around these people for just a short time when I realized something was different. I had never been in an atmosphere as this in the whole of my life.

At work we always spent the first hour complaining about something or other, well, I will tell you, even though I was at this office for a number of months I never heard anyone who was successful complain one little bit. Everyone talked the same way positive. Believe me if you mix with positive people, it is impossible to be any other way.

Everyone had a positive attitude, should I say that again. Everyone had a positive attitude. I found for the first time in my life that if you mixed with that type of person you could not help but to change your whole way of thinking.

Here I was, an ex coal miner/farmer who for the first time in his life was mixing with people I should have given half my commission to them just to be called one of their friends. A few days later the manager gave me Napolean Hill’s Think and Grow Rich. He said I was ready. My friends that book has been my bible for last lot of years. I would mention here, I am now doing a refresher with Simpleology 101.This is reminding me of the right path to take.

Just for the record, I went on to become the Top Salesman in Canada for quite a few months in a row.

Also for the record, I went into Land Development, became a millionaire 3 times broke 4. I still have the same positive attitude I have always had since those days and it always has stood me in good stead.

My whole point of this is, over the years I have always retreated from those people who live their lives complaining about this and that, I just wish they would grow up and see life as it should be, for to me if you don’t have a smile on your face you appear to everyone else as a sour individual.

Don’t you agree with me, aren’t those complainers miserable looking?

I am now on a crusade, I now have found a nitch in life I want make people aware of. People are truly aware of it but have not investigated as they should.

I am talking about Toxins, many things have been written, but we still have a huge percentage of the population obese. How can the organs of our bodies work as they should when they are covered with huge lumps of fat caused by the Toxins.

We clean out our cars, homes, brush our teeth, why, because they need it, however, our organs are in the same state yet 95% of people do nothing about it.

I am here to tell you, once you do a cleanse, the feeling you get after it, is something to behold. It is so long ago our organs functioned as they should, we have forgotten how we felt when we were clean.

To learn from the experts visit on the loaded page on the left, click on ISAVIDEOS click on the one Dr Becky Natrajan and listen.

Next to that video you will find two News Casts, view them and see what the FOX and ABC news thought of Isagenix as a natural body cleanse.

For further information Call Ralph Morton 604-536-6813 or email at

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