Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Natural Asthma Relief With Supplements and Herbs

Asthma is a medical condition that requires appropriate medical care. It

is an inflammatory condition that is aggravated by allergies and other

factors. Effective treatment must be determined for individual


Natural asthma relief is not a substitute for medical care, but it is a way that people with asthma can take control of their condition and possibly improve symptoms. Dietary supplements are important for maintaining good nutritional balance, which will result in improvements. Certain herbs can also help improve asthma symptoms.

What Supplements Can Help?

The most important supplement for natural asthma relief is a good multivitamin and mineral formula. This is not referring to the commercial-brand supplements that you find in supermarkets and pharmacies. You will need to go to a specialty supplement store, not a pharmacy or supermarket, and get help finding a hypoallergenic multivitamin and mineral complex. When nutrients are balanced, it is easier for the body to control inflammation, which is what causes asthma symptoms. Additional vitamin C is important and a nutrient called Quercetin, found in onions, is a natural antihistamine that helps with natural asthma relief.

Herbal Remedies for Asthma

Herbs that help with asthma are not substitutes for medication prescribed by your doctor. There are quite a few herbs that can improve the symptoms of asthma, but four particular herbs stand out:

     *Osha Root: Osha has been used by native Americans for respiratory problems and inflammation    for hundreds of years. It is highly effective for clearing mucus from the lungs and airways.

      *English Ivy: The extract of this plant has been used in clinical studies and the results show that it is effective for opening the bronchial passages (airways).

     *Grindelia: This is a gentle herb that eases breathing and opens up the airways. It does not work for everyone, but many people find it helpful.

     *Lobelia: Also known as “Rabbit Tobacco,” lobelia inflate is a potent herb that has been used to treat asthma for nearly a thousand years. Only small dosages are required.

Natural asthma relief does not have to be a mystery. There is plenty of information available on the different supplements and herbs that can help asthma sufferers live with a better quality of life. Nonetheless, beware of commercial formulas that claim to cure asthma. These “fad” supplements are poorly formulated and make outrageous claims. Keep it simple and only introduce one thing at a time to be sure that you are not going to have a negative reaction.

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