Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Liposuction Preparation Tips

Preparing for a liposuction procedure involves more than just setting the date and arranging childcare. If you take the item to properly prepare your body, family, and home for your surgery, you will enjoy a shorter recovery period and better results.

Once you have made the decision to schedule your liposuction procedure, you need to take a few steps to ensure that you are fully ready for your surgery. By focusing on your physical health and preparing your home for recovery, you ensure that your results are as long lasting as you hope.

Physical Preparation

The more physically fit you are on the day of your surgery, the better your results will be and the shorter your recovery period will be. While this is not necessarily the time to start a full-blown workout routine, make sure you are physically active every day, and watch what you eat to ensure that you do not start packing on additional fat prior to your surgery. There are limits to what can be removed in a liposuction procedure, so you do not want to hinder your results with additional unwanted pounds.


Some medications must be stopped prior to your surgery. Get this list from your doctor, and make sure you do not take those medications within the timeframe suggested. Often these medications can cause blood clotting problems, which you do not want to have after any surgical procedure. Your doctor may also give you a prescription for your pain relief after your surgery. Consider filling this a few days before your surgery if possible, so you have one less thing to worry about as you head home after the procedure.

Preparing Your Home

Set up a comfortable area in your home you can rest in while you recover. Consider placing pillows, blankets, reading material, remote controls, portable phones and non-perishable snacks in the area to ensure most of your needs are met without the need to get up and roam your home. You may experience significant pain for a few days after your surgery, so having a comfortable place to rest will help you heal faster. Also, having this area prepared prior to your liposuction will reduce stress.

Preparing Your Family

Set up a family member who can take you to the hospital or clinic and pick you up after your procedure. If you have children at home, arrange for someone to help with their care for a few days after the liposuction. You will likely find that you cannot attend to their needs as you normally would right after coming home from the hospital. Make sure there is someone in the home with you for the first couple of days after the surgery in case you have an unexpected need.

Remember, you will need to rest and recuperate for a few days after your liposuction, but when you see the finished product after a few months, you will be thankful you had the procedure. Taking care of yourself properly in the healing period ensures that you will get good results.

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