Sunday, May 23, 2021

Is Tap water Cleaner than Bottled Water Sold at Stores? Some Facts You Must Know

What do you know about tap water? Is tap water cleaner than that which you are paying top dollar at the store? Learn some eye-opening facts.

Let me tell you a quick story.  I used to buy bottled water because I thought it was safer than tap water and more convenient.  I started to wonder about the quality of the tap water I was buying however after finding out that it was actually just filtered tap water.  I sent a sample in to a laboratory to get tested and I was shocked at the results.  The bottled water contained the same contaminants as our local tap water supply!  So is tap water cleaner than bottled water sold at stores?  Maybe not cleaner but the two are one in the same. 

I learned quickly that bottled water is actually no safer than tap water in most cases.  There are no federal regulations requiring bottled water to be any safer or purer than tap water if it is bottled and sold within the same state.  In order to avoid regulations, bottled water companies don’t transport water across state lines.  That means the quality of 60% to 70% of bottled water is questionable at best. 

Is tap water cleaner than bottled water sold at stores?  There is no doubt that tap water is full of contaminants but bottled water is no better.  Since 25 percent of bottled water comes from the tap, the two are pretty much the same.  Neither is safer or cleaner than the other.  However, when it comes to choosing between tap water and bottled water, I would choose tap. 

At the very least tap water is less expensive and less polluting than bottled water.  In the US alone, 60,000,000 bottles are disposed of everyday.  Furthermore, consumers pay $1 to $4 per gallon for water that they perceive as safer.  However, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that bottled water is no better than tap water. 

If you use a home water filter with carbon granular or block filtration technology, you can make your tap water much cleaner than bottled water.  Certified carbon filters are guaranteed to make your water clean and remove all harmful contaminants.  So is tap water cleaner than bottled water sold at stores?  It is if you use a home water filter and it is also substantially cheaper. 

If you use a carbon filter, it will run you less than 10 cents per gallon.  You will not create any waste either like you would if you drank bottled water.  In sum, carbon filters are inexpensive, highly effective, and environmentally-friendly.  The advantages of using carbon filters are reason alone to make the switch. 

Your next step?  Take this information and start shopping around for a carbon filter for your home.  Is tap water cleaner than bottled water sold at stores?  It can be if you use a carbon filter.  It can also be a lot more affordable too.  So get out there and find a carbon filter for your home if you want to make an investment that will benefit you and your family for years to come.

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