Saturday, May 29, 2021

How To Maintain Body contour After Liposuction Surgery

After liposuction, the recovery time can last from days to months, depending on the size of the part being treated. In most cases of liposuction, the recovery progresses so that the patient can contin...

After liposuction, the recovery time can last from days to months, depending on the size of the part being treated. In most cases of liposuction, the recovery progresses so that the patient can continue his normal life after one or two weeks, and full recovery is achieved in a few months.

Normal recovery time for liposuction

In less than a week after liposuction, most patients can move normally and even re-work with a minimal degree of discomfort. After a few weeks, most patients feel comfortable enough to remove the sash and start a new life with a more refined and attractive figure. The recovery time for liposuction varies among different patients, but most return to normal life after two weeks, and the results of liposuction are optimal after several months.

The first two weeks after liposuction surgery

Doctors recommend that patients wear girdles for at least the first few days after liposuction surgery to speed up recovery time. After liposuction, you can move and walk without difficulty. Patients must have a person to take them home; likewise, they should make the greatest rest possible during the following days. Some patients report that they feel pain the day after liposuction surgery.

Generally, this discomfort is mild and can be relieved with painkillers or simply by walking. The first few days after tumescent liposuction, the anesthetic solution of the surgery drains through the incisions. This facilitates the healing of liposuction and reduces recovery time. During this time, inflammation, bruising and numbness will begin to disappear.

The First Few Months

The inflammation will continue to soften during the months following liposuction, until the final result is seen. The skin surrounding the treated area may appear loose, but will tighten over time. Depending on the degree of elasticity of the skin, which depends on age and genetics, the skin will tighten over a period of six months.

Patients will continue to monitor the areas where the incisions were made to prevent infection. The surgeon can schedule revision appointments during the recovery period for liposuction to control healing. If a large area was treated or if a significant amount of fat was removed, the recovery time from the surgery will be longer.

Many people believe that they will never again have to exercise or control their diet after the liposuction procedure and that they can keep their new, slim figure effortlessly. However, while liposuction effectively removes fat from specific areas of treatment, there is no surgical procedure that can  do the same. Even though liposuction is an excellent way to reduce excess body fat in specific areas, removing certain fat cells in no way guarantees that there will not be any weight gain. Adults have a fixed amount of fat cells in their organisms, therefore fat cells that are removed during liposuction will not regenerate.

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