Wednesday, May 19, 2021

How To Cure Weak Erection In Men For Improved Sexual Life?


The process of penile erection involves inputs from certain brain parts and spinal cord reflex. Psychogenic erection involves auditory or visual inputs and damage to pathways can restricts reaction...

The process of penile erection involves inputs from certain brain parts and spinal cord reflex. Psychogenic erection involves auditory or visual inputs and damage to pathways can restricts reaction of the organ to stimuli. Mostly a number of neurological conditions are responsible for weak erection and one of the commonest one is diabetic neuropathy. The peripheral organs are governed by longer nerve pathways and problems in the neuromuscular junctions or other forms of trauma can cause problems. The reflexogenic erection involves the sensory stimulation to make reproductive organ react through the spinal cord reflex. The damage to the pathways can damage the reproductive functions and to cure weak erection in men, the strength of signal transmit across the pathway should be improved.

To know how to cure weak erection in men, a combination of medical factors should be examined. The problem of multiple sclerosis can be responsible for ED in younger patients in age group of 30 to 40. This is the condition where men may suffer from bladder symptoms and problems of spinal cord where they have reduced mobility and lose control over erection. The injuries to spinal cord can interfere with the process of erection in many ways where the men with upper injuries may get reflexogenic erection and those with lower spinal cord injuries may get psychogenic stimulation. To cure weak erection in men, it is important to take cure for neural regeneration and regrowth, and promote nerve specific enzymes and neurotrophins stimulation.

Herbal ways such as Bluze capsules offer some of the most successful mechanisms to provide ways to how to cure weak erection in men. The peripheral, sympathetic, central and the parasympathetic signals join together in the spinal cord and if the somatic signaling pathway is disrupted it can cause change in the ways the central nerve and the peripheral act to release dopamine and other body chemicals to bring change in the way the body perceives and reacts to conjugal act. 

Kaunch or Mucuna, as in the cure is a dopamine precursor and has been found to be effective in improving sperm count, vitality, and motility and can ameliorate stress and seminal plasma lipid peroxide, as tested in lab. It restores the level of ascorbic acid, GSH, catalase and SOD in seminal plasma in infertile men. It helps in reducing the impact of stress, increases semen levels and restores power of the reproductive organs. The seed extract of the herb has neuro protective, lipid lowering, hypoglycemic and antioxidant activities. The herb has got wide recognition for treating neuro degenerative conditions and is considered one of the best options for Parkinson's. 

Vidarikhand or Pueraria Tuberosa is another herb in the cure - Bluze capsules which has been used in ayurveda to find ways to how to cure weak erection in men. It can cure cardio vascular conditions and reproductive disorders such as dysfunction, spermatorrhea, and debility. The bioactive chemicals in the roots are - isoflavonoids and these have immune boosting, aphrodisiac, spermatogenic, anti inflammatory and brain supporting effects on human body. The herb improves the activities of red blood cells.

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