Saturday, May 22, 2021

Home Remedies For Cellulite - Ways To Deal With Cellulite Problem

Cellulite may be defined as a topographic skin change noticeable among many men and women. It looks like lumps of cottage cheese and consists in dimpling of skin and nodule formation.

Cellulite may be defined as a topographic skin change noticeable among many post-pubertal women. Cellulite looks like lumps of cottage cheese and consists in dimpling of skin and nodule formation. When fat deposits or adipose tissue contained in honeycomb-like compartments, push up and distort the connective tissues underneath the skin, cellulite is formed. The fat in other words, gets herniated due to a mesh work of fibrous connective tissues, giving the skin a padded or orange peel-like look. Bio-chemically cellulite is similar to any other fat deposit. 

Cellulite formation has no link with the medical condition cellulites which is a bacterial infection of skin and tissues beneath the skin. Cellulite deposits generally occur in stomach, thighs, hips, buttocks etc. Cellulite formation is influenced by factors like heredity, age, gender, skin thickness, faulty metabolism, exhaustive dieting, hormonal fluctuations, circulatory insufficiency, changes in connective tissue structure, subtle inflammatory changes, stress induced increase in the level of catecholamine, dearth of exercises and amount and distribution of body fat. Women dislike having cellulite and prefer a smooth skin.

Home Remedies

1. Mix some coffee powder with any herbal body lotion. Apply on cellulite affected region and allow it to dry. After some time wash off. This is a good solution to cellulite problem.

2. In a basin, put 1 part of cleavers, 2 parts of Echinacea and 1 part of poke root. Pour boiling water over the herbs and wait for 5 minute. Then strain and drink this cellulite curing infusion thrice daily.

3. Consume ample amounts of grapefruit to do away with cellulite.

4. A coconut oil massage is a fruitful way to deal with cellulite problem.

5. Combine almond oil, saunf oil and rosemary oil in ratio 1:1:1 and massage on the cellulite affected regions. This is an effective home remedy for cellulite.

6. Massaging with olive oil also helps to get rid of cellulite.

7. Blend the pulp of half an avocado with 1 tablespoon each of honey and lime juice. Apply the mixture on cellulite skin and massage in a circular pattern to minimize the problem.

8. Steam carrot until it softens. Make a puree and apply on affected skin. Allow it to dry and then wash off with cold water. This is an effective way to address cellulite problem.

9. Apply apple cider vinegar on cellulite skin daily to put an end to the problem.

10. Gently rub or brush the cellulite areas with a natural body scrubber. This improves blood circulation and reduces cellulite.

11. Exercise regularly, do yogic asanas and lead a stress free life. They have important roles to play in treating cellulite.

12. Stay away from oily, fatty food and canned food and consume fresh fiber rich fruits and vegetables. Also reduce salt intake. This lessens cellulite problem.

13. Avoid caffeine, smoking and alcohol, for they only exacerbate cellulite problem.

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