Thursday, May 20, 2021

Chiropractors and Sprained Ankles

Most people associate chiropractic care with the spine. However, chiropractic care can also be used to treat ankle sprains. Chiropractic care can help to assure that all of the bones in your foot are properly aligned after you sustain an ankle sprain.

Copyright (c) 2014 LifeWorks Integrative health

Have you ever thought about using a chiropractor for treatment of a sprained ankle? With 26 bones in your feet, an ankle sprain can lead to misalignment of any of these bones. Traditional treatment of an ankle sprain does not focus on misalignment. Here's a few reasons why you may want to visit a chiropractor next time you experience an ankle sprain.

Typical Treatment of an Ankle Sprain

One of the biggest concerns that comes along with a sprained ankle is the likelihood of a recurrence. One of the biggest risk factors for experiencing an ankle sprain is having suffered in ankle sprain at another point in your life..

Think about how you, a family member or a friend has dealt with an ankle sprain in the past. Chances are they (or you) have done one of two things:

Treated the injury at home -- using rest, ice, elevation and compression.

Made a trip to your doctor's office or an urgent care facility. During this visit, you likely received an x-ray to rule out a fracture and an exam from a physician.

In a majority of cases, ankle sprains do not lead to fractures or ligament tears.

For most individuals, typical treatment includes taking it easy for 2-4 weeks while you anxiously await the pain disappearing and the swelling going down. If the ankle sprain is serious enough, you may find yourself in a walking boot or being required to walk with crutches. Sometimes anti-inflammatory medication will be recommended to help reduce your symptoms. Eventually, you will begin to use your ankle again. If you visit with your doctor or an orthopaedic doctors, there is a chance you will end up in physical therapy or at least receive exercises to complete in the comforts of your own home.

That the average person, who is unfamiliar with the make-up of the foot and ankle, does not realize is that the bones of the foot generally shift out of their healthy alignment when an ankle sprain occurs. With 26 bones in your feet, a traditional doctor is likely not going to consider that the bones in your feet may be affected.. Chiropractic care can be beneficial in the treatment of ankle sprains..

Treating Ankle Sprains with Chiropractic Care

If you are anything like most individuals, you probably are thinking that chiropractic care is just for the spine. How is treating ankle sprains with chiropractic care going to be possible? Chiropractors have the knowledge to treat many other areas of the body, not just the spine. Through the use of foot and ankle range of motion testing, orthopaedic testing (to rule out an injury more severe than an ankle sprain) and palpation skills, chiropractors are able to assess your injury and come up with a personalized treatment plan that works for you.

Here are some of the possible methods chiropractors will use when it comes to treating ankle sprains with chiropractic care:

1. Physical Therapy. Ultrasound, muscle stimulation and alternating between ice and heat treatments are all tools used when treating ankle sprains with chiropractic care. Exercises can also be given to a patient to help restore full range of motion to the ankle. Depending on the severity of the injury, how painful it is and how swollen the ankle is will determine which methods of physical therapy are used to treat your ankle sprain.

2. Chiropractic Adjustments. If you thought chiropractic adjustments are just for the spine, they are also used in treating ankle sprains with chiropractic care. With 26 different bones in the foot, there is a very good chance that one or more of these bones may become misaligned during an ankle sprain. Chiropractors use their hands to motion palpate the bones to find out what bones are in need of an adjustment.

3. Home Care and Rehab Methods. Passive/active range of motion exercises and ice/heat treatments may be part of your treatment plan.. Treatment will then progress to ankle strengthening and stabilization. This may include anything from writing the alphabet with your big toe to improve range of motion to using a wobble board to help work on strength and balance.

4. Foot Supports and Orthotics. For a chiropractic point of view, one of the main reasons for re-injuring an ankle is due to collapsed aches or overpronation of the feet. This is why foot supports and orthotics are often used in treating ankle sprains with chiropractic care. They can be used as a preventative measure so that a recurrent ankle sprain is less likely to occur.

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