Friday, May 28, 2021

Certified Industrial Hygienists' Working in Our Oklahoma Schools

The local Tulsa Industrial Hygienist knows all the necessary steps to take while your child's school is undergoing major or minor repairs. The Hygienist is aware of all the studies that show that air quality is important and will be there to do air quality testing before an inspection.

There are a lot of places that an Industrial Hygienist in Oklahoma protects your child without you even knowing it. All the public and private schools in Tulsa, Oklahoma have a few things in common. Firstly, most typically do some remodeling that require the presence of construction crews. Also they all get the indoor air monitored to be certain that it is safe to breathe.

The Industrial Hygienists in Tulsa will take a variety of air samples from both inside and outside the school buildings to check the number of particulates in the air. Once they collect these samples they are sent off to a lab for testing. The lab then sends the results back to the Hygienist and they put the results in a report for the school to review.

What happens if the results come back not normal? Well then the Industrial Hygienist will analyze the results and see where the positive samples came from. If a public school in Tulsa is having construction done then it is necessary that all the dust and construction debris is contained. The local CIH on staff at the Tulsa schools will be there to make certain that each area being worked on is sealed so that the children breathe in clean air.

The local Tulsa Industrial Hygienist knows all the necessary steps to take while your child's school is undergoing major or minor repairs. He is aware of all the studies that show that air quality is important and will be there to do air quality testing before an inspection. Because some pollutants can be hazardous, especially if the school building is older, when inhaled the CIH will be sure that the construction dust is properly contained.

Another source for contaminants is the construction materials and tools. When a school is undergoing construction, particularly in Tulsa, the local Tulsa Certified Industrial Hygienist will be certain to arrange for proper storage of the materials while the construction is ongoing. Even places that one would not typically consider the Industrial Hygienist will be there to check. Air ducts for example can be easily overlooked, but he will be certain to block off any air ducts that could transmit construction pollutants.

When the Tulsa area Certified Industrial Hygienist is on the scene of your local school's renovation, you can breathe easy. Even after the renovation he will return on a regular basis to do routine air monitoring. The Tulsa CIH wants your children to be just as safe at school as they are in their own homes. If you want to know if the local Tulsa Certified Industrial Hygienist visits your school, click here.

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