Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Causes of Erectile Dysfunction - Know the Truth to Prevent ED Problems

In most of the cases ED is curable. Men must have the knowledge about the causes of erectile dysfunction to prevent or cure it.

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a sexual disorder implying the incapacity of maintaining and erection for long enough time to have satisfying sexual relationships. It is a serious medical condition that can be caused by a variety of factors and it is very stressful and embarrassing for the one affected by it. It is in most of the cases curable, but the man that experiences it also needs to benefit from the full support of the partner in order to cope with this situation easier. It is always recommended to ask for medical advice even if you consider this embarrassing because since the condition is medical, a doctor is best entitled to solve it. 

Causes of erectile dysfunction can be of two main types: physical and psychological. The psychological causes of ED refer to the fact that a man can’t maintain a satisfying erection due to thoughts and feeling. They include stress or financial problems as well as problems in the relationship. Depression, an unpleasant sexual experience or the feeling that the partner is not attracted to you can cause erectile dysfunction. When the causes of erectile dysfunction are of psychological nature, the situation becomes even more delicate for the sufferer, but it is entirely treatable and with the adequate approach it can be put behind.

In other cases ED is triggered by substances like nicotine, alcohol and drugs. Abuse of such substances can easily influence one’s relationship even in what concerns the sexual point of view. There are also medications for other conditions that can lead to ED problem and if this is the case, the doctor must be announced immediately in order to stop or to change the treatment. This usually happens in case of antidepressants, pain relievers or pills for high blood pressure. Diabetes, hypertension and various nerve disorders like Parkinson or Alzheimer are also among the common causes of erectile dysfunction. 

Multiple sclerosis and arteriosclerosis are diseases that play an important part in sexual disorders. Some surgical procedures might have as secondary effect the occurrence of erectile dysfunction. These procedures are bladder, prostate or rectum surgery, which are possible to affect the blood vessels and the nerves in the area.  

When undergoing surgery for prostate or bladder cancer, one also risks of suffering of ED afterwards because the tissue that was affect by cancer needs to be removed completely and this might interfere with the nerves that control the erection. Aging is another common cause of erectile dysfunction and men over 65 are likely to experience this disorder.

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