Friday, May 21, 2021

Botox - Where to Get Injected?

Botox has long been a popular treatment for deep wrinkles in the forehead and laugh-line area. However, now more than ever, injections are being used in less than traditional places.

One of the newest uses for the injection treatments are the breasts. A cosmetic surgeon who is comfortable with these kinds of treatments will make one or two injections at the base of each breast. Generally, this does a couple of things. It gives the appearance of an enlarged breast as well as the look of a perkier, lifted profile. It is important to note that these injections do not actually make the breast larger, as a breast augmentation would, but merely lifts them so they have a higher profile and less sag.

Another non-traditional use for the popular Botox injection is in the wrinkles surrounding your nose. As we age, wrinkles at the edges of the nose can become more pronounced. This can be caused by a number of factors. Mainly, just the lessened elasticity of the facial skin, in general. The treatment for this area will cause an overall relaxation of the muscles and lessen the appearance of wrinkles. Occasionally, people who have had other treatments find that this is a complement injection. Usually when a patient has other injections one on the forehead or mouth, the doctor will recommend treating this area as well.

Botox is also being used in making facial pores appear smaller and less pronounced. For those people who suffer from visible pores on their t-zone, nose or elsewhere, injections can be the remedy. Pores dramatically decrease in size, reducing problems with acne, pimples or other blemishes. Blackheads and other results of oily faces have long been treated successfully with botulinum toxin. Unlike injections for wrinkles, blemish injections don’t go very deep and are meant to only treat the surface and glands just below the surface. 

Injections are being used to treat the hands of individuals who suffer from poor circulation. One of the side effects of lifelong circulation problems is the sensation of cold hands. Hands can often take on a pink or purple hue, as the hand stays cold throughout the day. Now, patients are successfully being treated with injections to the areas of the hand that have the most difficulty with blood flow. Of course, doctors are aware that improvement to the overall circulation of the patient should be a priority.

One particularly hush-hush place that Botox injections are making a difference is in women who suffer from vaginal spasms. The injections to the vagina can help relax the muscles that cause the spasms. Vaginal spasms make it difficult to impossible for some women to have sex. Treatments of just one injection have helped many women who suffer from this unfortunate problem. Other muscle spasm areas are treated in a similar way with equally positive results in both men and women.

As cosmetic surgery and Botox injections continue to develop and change, it is important for surgeons and doctors to find more treatment types and remedies. Injections are no longer just for the wrinkles in the forehead and around the mouth. More and more non-traditional uses are being discovered with great success for patients from all walks of life.

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