Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Ayurveda and Yoga – A Correlation between Your Body and Mind

Ayurveda and Yoga are known to be the great healing

techniques that intend to establish a healthy relationship between your mind

and body. Since ages, Ayurveda is being used as a heating technique to develop

an insight into your body and mind.







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An individual’s healing power is mainly

depends upon two things – mental strengthness means will power and body

strongness. Both the techniques help people understand the power to maintain

the balance with the internal and external environment to perform different

functions successfully.

According to ancient seers, there are mainly 5 universal

elements exists within all of creation. That the properties or metaphors of

earth, water, fire, air and ether is present within nature in various

proportions. For instance, analyze the proportion of solidness – earth – that’s

within a palm tree and an oak; the quality of light – fire – within garlic and

pepper; and the quality of movement – air – within a tortoise and a hare.

A distinctive combination of elements, called doshas, form

the body, and each body must be cared for its own specific way to achieve and

maintain balance with the environment. This is vital for health as the excess

or deficiency of an element finally result in disease.

What is the

main difference between Ayurveda and Yoga?

While Ayurveda focus on cleansing the body through the use

of herbs, massage, diet and lifestyle, yoga focus on specialised yoga poses,

meditation techniques, breathing techniques for healing mind, body and spirit.

With the knowledge of your body mind combination, you’ll be able to select

those exercises, postures and mediation techniques that can help you create


Yoga therapy with Ayurveda is guided by the basics of

Ayurveda. Ayurveda emphasizes the cycles of time and season, and their effects

on the body. There are six different times of each has an effect on the doshas,

and therefore each body. Each season of the year will increase one or two

doshas within our body. This ancient Indian healing system consider three

different times of our lives that affect our body and mind.


Wellness is an interactive health portal offering unmatched services for yoga

treatment India.

The health portal has a strong focus on Ayurveda and Yoga.

Visit our website for more information on Ayurveda treatment India

and Ayurveda and yoga.

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