Saturday, May 22, 2021

10 Effective Ways To Get Relief From Joint Pain

Joint is the conjunction point of two bones and pain at a joint is very common phenomenon these days. It is medically termed as Arthralgia.

Joint is the conjunction point of two bones and pain at a joint is quite a common phenomenon these days. Joint pain is medically termed as Arthralgia. When the structures within a joint such as bones, cartilages etc or structures surrounding a joint such as ligaments, bursae, tendons, muscles etc are bruised, injured or inflamed due to some reason, pain occurs. In other words, joint pain springs from the affected musculoskeletal system of our body. The various causes of pain in joints include rheumatoid arthritis, septic joint, gout, pseudo-gout, rheumatic fever, Lyme disease, reactive arthritis, viral arthritis, Hemarthrosis, osteoarthritis, Systemic lupus erythematosis, bursitis, tendonitis, Chondromalacia patellae, physical trauma, over intake of Vitamin A, joint overuse etc. Sedentary lifestyle, faulty posture, obesity, repetitive actions, consumption of fried food, ill-fitting shoes and wrong exercises are the major joint pain triggers.

Pain in joint is often accompanied by symptoms like joint swelling, stiffness, tenderness, limited range of motion etc. It may be quite debilitating, making movement almost impossible. It usually worsens with joint use. Aged people are highly susceptible to bouts of joint pain.

Ways to relieve joint pain: 

1. Make sure that you do not overexert the affected joint. 

2. Do not slouch on a couch. Try to maintain a correct posture while sleeping, lying or walking. This will help you to gain control over pain.

3. Simple exercises like walking, swimming etc help in controlling pain to a great extent. Also practice light stretching exercises. They too help a lot. It will be very rewarding if you can manage to do exercises standing in lukewarm chest level water.

4. Being overweight puts much pressure on your joints. So try to reduce your weight through dieting and exercises.

5. Consume guava, oranges and gooseberries in plenty. They are rich in Vitamin C and would improve painful conditions. You can consume bananas in plenty for they enhance joint's natural lubrication and reduce joint pain.

6. Consume foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids. You can eat oily fishes like salmon, herring, tuna, sardine etc for the purpose.

7. Eliminate milk and potatoes from your diet you will feel better.

8. Massaging can wondrously improve joint pain. Gently knead on the affected joint with any of the following: hot vinegar, a mix of camphor, eucalyptus oil, menthol and methyl salicylate, a mixture of warm olive oil, hot paraffin, camphorated mustard oil etc. You can also use herbal anti inflammatory joint pain massage oils like Rumoxil oil or Rhumatone Gold oil to reduce pain, stiffness, inflammation and discomfort.

9. Apply hot and cold compresses alternately on a painful joint. This will give relief from pain from joint.

10. Take Glucosamine and chondroitin, supplements commonly used to lessen your pain.

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