Thursday, May 20, 2021

Do You Know All You Need To About Liposuction?

Having liposuction is a big decision and you have to be realistic about what it will do for your body. Here we look at what this cosmetic procedure can and cannot do.

You are thinking about having liposuction. You think that the time has come to have it. You have researched it online, spoken to friends who have had it and have asked your doctor for some names of qualified cosmetic surgeons in your area. But do you know enough to be sure that it is right for you?

Knowing exactly what liposuction will do for you before you decide to have it is very important. If you cannot explain to others the cosmetic procedure that you wish to have done beyond providing the name of it than you do not know enough about it to be ready for it.

Also referred to as lipoplasty or suction-assisted lipectomy, this procedure is such that fat is suctioned out of the patient's body from various areas where localized fat deposits can be found. Some people think that this cosmetic surgery procedure is meant for shedding pounds. It is not. Lipo as it is sometimes shortened to is not meant for the goal of losing weight. The purpose of the operation is to reshape and redefine the contours that can be found in an area of the body that is very stubborn to dropping pounds. If there is a region of your body that will not respond to a healthy well balanced diet and regular exercise then liposuction may be the right procedure for you and the time to have it might be now.

Lipoplasty is most suitable for males and females who are not that far away from a weight that is ideal for them. If you are within 30 percent of your perfect weight then you would make a good candidate if you have localized fat that will not go away no matter how hard you try. Non-smokers make better candidates than smokers as they heal faster and tend to have fewer complications. It is important to be in good health to have the cosmetic surgery procedure and to have both realistic expectations about it as well as a positive and upbeat outlook about the outcome of the liposuction operation.

A candidate who qualifies for this procedure would also be someone who has good muscle tone as well as good elasticity to their skin. A person who has lost a considerable amount of weight and is left with skin that is loose and hanging off of their body then having a lipoplasty procedure might actually make the body look worse and not better.

A suction-assisted lipectomy is not capable of getting rid of the 30 to 50 pounds that you have gained over the past seven or eight years of your life. The amount of fat that is removed from the body can be anywhere from one to 10 pounds as a general rule. When even larger sections of fat are removed in a large volume lipoplasty there are more risks to think about and skin rippling becomes more of an issue.

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